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Chapter 40

“Fuck, I’ve fantasized about you and this door,” he said the moment he rammed it shut behind them and pressed Hope up against him, her back to the door. He kissed her again on the mouth and throat, and she grabbed his shoulders before linking her hands around his neck. But those balloons, those five ridiculous balloons, kept shaking and making that annoying sound of air-filled rubber clanking against itself.

He shifted his head back and looked at her. Eyes wide, lips raw and red from the force of their kiss, bangs loosening from the hairband and falling to her forehead, she was heaving, her chest rising against his, and so fucking beautiful.

Without taking his eyes off hers, he gently caught the hairband at both sides behind her ears and slid it off, causing the three balloons to clash even more, then tossed it behind him.

Hope brought her hands between them, presenting her wrists, eyes on his, and this … this could be the end of him.

Without removing his eyes from hers, he slid off one rubber bracelet, then the other, and tossed them aside forcefully to countereffect the float of the helium. He then crashed his mouth on hers and, with his hands under her thighs, lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him. She huffed a breath into their kiss as her center pushed against his hardness.

Jordan chafed his hands up her body, and when they were at her waist, he lifted her yellow neon shirt over her head and threw it. The way her hair fell back from within the shirt to her shoulders, landing on the black bra straps, took his breath away.

They watched each other, eyes skimming, caressing, devouring, taking in the way the other reflected their need. He smoothed his palms over her exposed skin, and Hope tugged at his shirt and fumbled with the buttons. She then tore her eyes from his and undid them one by one. He enjoyed watching her as she slid her hands into the open shirt.

He began kissing her neck and groaned into her ear as she trekked her hands up from his abs to his chest and shoulders until she took the shirt off him completely.

Pressing her with his pelvis to the door, he undid her bra. There was enough light coming from the living room behind them for him to enjoy the sight of her naked breasts before he brought his palms and mouth to touch and kiss, caress and lick.

She moaned into his ear and tried to push eager hands into the front of his pants, making him huff a breath when she touched the tip of him.

When she ground against him, Jordan pushed them off the door and carried her to the bedroom with her legs still wrapped around him. He wanted access to all of her, he wanted to take his time with her, he wanted this to be more than a fuck against a door. They would have time for that later.

He stripped her of the rest of the neon clothes, sliding the black panties down her thighs. She stripped him, too, and they kissed, breathed, and tasted every inch of each other’s skin they exposed.

With no more layers separating them, Jordan kissed and licked his way down her body. He smiled when he noticed she had sorted out what she had considered an issue last time.

This time, she didn’t pull him up. Threading her fingers in his hair, she bucked against his mouth, instead.

When she was getting close, he lifted her and flipped them over so she would be on top of him. Her green eyes, cloudy and wide with arousal, didn’t leave his eyes until she threw her head back and closed them as she moaned his name at her climax and brought him to his.

He tightened his hands on her thighs that straddled him, and when she collapsed on top of him, he enveloped her in his arms, found her mouth with his, and kissed her for as long as their rugged breaths enabled.
