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A whole lot of ungodly positions, she wanted to retort but didn’t. Maybe one day, when she wasn’t there to try to get a restraining order removed.

“I know you love Max more than you hate me, so do the right thing, Avery.”

The cool evening air was purifying as she walked away.


To ensure their Christmas wouldn’t be a lonely one, she invited Bella and her gang to join her and her parents. Linda was ecstatic when she heard they were coming.

Anne wondered how she’d make it through the holiday knowing that Finn was an hour away, all alone. The vibrant red and green decorations in the shops and streets looked gray, the fairy lights on the trees pinched her eyes.

She did everything she usually did—work, food rounds—but she couldn’t paint. She picked up a paintbrush and found herself standing there, holding it ten minutes later. Painting was usually the bandage that she swathed her heart in, but now it just sat there in her chest, bleeding freely.

She didn’t dare risk Finn, so despite wanting to get in touch with him, even by a simple text message, just to know he was okay, she refrained from it.

She was boxing a specially ordered Christmas cake when her phone indicated she had a message. Reading it, color returned to her world.

“Darian invited me to spend Christmas dinner with Max at theirs. Said you talked to Avery. She lifted the injunction for the duration of the holiday.”

“Best news I got in a long time!! You and Max deserve this.”

“I know you told Avery that we were over for this.”

“I’ll do anything for you.”Even leave you, she thought.

As if he read her mind, and maybe he did, he texted, “You’ll need a restraining order to keep me away from you, Jane. I can’t live without my sunflower.”

“I miss you doesn’t even come close,” she texted back, quoting him from just a few weeks back.

Anne placed the phone down, closed the cake box, and began preparing a new one.

“I thought you finished with the orders,” her mother said when she came into the back.

“I did, but I thought we could send a cake to Darian. Let her know we’re thinking of them.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Janey. Something Christmas-related.”

“Oh, yes.” She was so going to hell, but she didn’t care anymore. Knowing that Finn would be not an hour, but five minutes away from her, and that they couldn’t meet, was fresh hell anyway.
