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“I like the ones with the houses and the gardens. It’s … relaxing,” he said. “The colors are strong, but it still looks … soft.”

She looked at him, surprised. “It is. It’s a relaxed form of reality. That’s why I like it.” It had gotten her through a lot when her reality wasn’t.

“Do you recognize these places?” she asked.

“That’s the beach here, in Riviera View.” He pointed at the one that had hung in a gallery years ago.


“All three of you? Maybe I could go for a coffee with each instead?” Anne asked, chuckling.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. I promise,” Hope said, handing her credit card. “You already know the food will be good.” She tilted her head in the direction of the bakery’s boxes inside the bag Anne handed her. “And Libby’s is just down the street, so when you’re off work, just get over there.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

Since Bella had moved away, and with Hope, Libby, and Roni being supportive, she couldn’t say no. She didn’t want to say no. She wanted to go for the things she craved—love, family, friendship.

Love, she had. Beyond measure. The ring around her finger was the embodiment of it, in plain sight.

Family, she had. Finn. Max. Her parents. And the members of her aunt’s family who wanted her in their lives. She was fine with that.

Friendship could be next.

Since she and Finn still officially lived in two separate towns, not all her Monday evenings were busy.

A few hours, a decorated cake, and a short walk after, Anne climbed the stairs to Libby and Luke’s apartment in early March. It was right above Books And More on Ocean Avenue. She always wondered what it looked like.

The door was flung open before she could finish knocking.

“There she is!” Roni announced to the room. She was already chewing on a cookie, half of which was still in her hand. “Come in. I’m glad you came. It’s a great way to spend Monday evenings.”

She followed Roni in and was immediately hugged by both Hope and Libby, who were arranging food on plates in the kitchen.

“So glad you’re here,” Hope said, brushing her auburn bangs from her eyes.

“Hey, you,” Libby said. “Finally.” She chuckled.

“So, how does it feel to be here after you two pretty much grew up in the bakery but never really connected?” Roni asked.

“That’s Roni for you,” Hope said. “Doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable topics.”

Anne laughed. “I brought these.” She handed Libby an assorted box of cupcakes. “Everyone’s favorite flavors.”

“Thank you!” Libby said.

“As to your question,” Anne said, turning to Roni with a smile. “We can kick that elephant out of the room. I love the bakery, and I knew Libby loved it, so seeing her every day at school and knowing my parents owned it instead of her mother … it might be stupid, but it made me uncomfortable. And I’m not super great at starting conversations.” She smiled as a warm recollection zoomed through her. The only person she had no problem striking up a conversation with was the least likely one. Finn Brennen.

“Your parents saved my mom by buying it and keeping her as an employee. I resented my dad for putting us in that situation, not you.” Libby then turned to Roni. “There, elephant kicked. Anything else?”

“Yes. We want to know it all. And how’s Avery?” Roni smirked.

Anne chuckled. This was not going to be easy.

“Ignore her. We eat first,” Hope said, picking up plates to carry to the living room.

They all helped, and Anne noticed they seemed to have permanent seats. Roni slumped herself horizontally on an armchair, her smooth, black hair dangling off one end while her legs off the other. Libby sat on one side of the couch, with her legs folded under her, and Hope sat on the rug, leaning against the other side of the couch and stretching her legs under the coffee table. It was a warm and cozy apartment, with framed pictures of Luke and Libby. She sat on the armchair opposite Roni.

Except for a few inside jokes that she didn’t get and they hurried to explain, they made sure she felt comfortable and included. She hadn’t had that kind of girls’ night since college, and she was enjoying it so far.
