Page 17 of Take Me in Tuscany

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He winked at Talley. “Ah, I love the sound of my name on her lips. Even better is her mouth around me—”

“Alessio!” I planted my feet on the floor, heat pouring into my face.

He appeared unaffected by my outburst. “Your bestie”—he checked with Talley—“not beastie, right? Your bestie does not understand why you left a man who passionately loves you.”

Tight lines around his eyes belied his casual tone as he declared…

“You never told me,” I whispered.

“You left.” In those two tiny words, he revealed how deeply I’d hurt him.

“You made me.”

“I would never—” he growled, leaning toward me.

“Elle, spell it out for us.” Talley put her hand on Alessio’s knee.

My jaw knotted.

“You demanded I take a marketing job with your company and move to Rome.” Remind myself of his transgression was the only thing keeping me on the couch.

“Of course.” He threw up his hands. “I am in love with you.”

“Whoa. Time-out.” Talley made a T with her hands. Pulling her eyes off Alessio, she looked at me. “Hedemanded.”

“Yes.” Indignant, convinced I was right, I jerked a nod. “Demanded. Dictated. Decreed.”

“Shades of Henry.” She slowly swung her head. “Uh, Elle? Did it occur to you there are other options besides running away? Like, maybe speaking up Telling him you want to make important decisions together. Asking for what you want instead of expecting him to read your mind.”

“This?” His shoulders dropped, his eyes lasering into mine. “This is why you leave? Because I am bossy diva-man like your spineless turd?”

Talley patted his knee. “She’s new to this assertive stuff.”

“Strega, I am bewitched by you. A man possessed.” He returned Talley’s hand to her own knee and reached for me. “I would do anything for you,cara. Just ask.”

“When’s the next flight to Tuscany?” Sydney snarked. “I want a Luigi.”

“Will you take me back to Terre del Venturi?” I knelt in front of Alessio, twining our fingers together.

“Si, bella.” He lowered his head and whispered, “I hope your list of requests is never-ending because that’s how long I plan on loving you.”

Hmmm. I guess there are some things you don’t have to ask for.

Those are the very best things.
