Page 7 of Play It Again

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“Grandma!” I looked over at her. “What did you tell him?”

She smiled but looked a little bit embarrassed. “I just said you liked him.”

“Right,” I rolled my eyes but laughed. “See you guys later.”

I drove my old Toyota Celica over to Matt’s. I had no trouble finding the place as it was where we had hung out last night. We were gong to pile into his truck and another vehicle before heading over to Chute Pond to ride around on his boat and do some drinking.

When I arrived, Brittany was already there. I went over to her and we started chatting while we were waiting for everyone to get ready. I was disappointed that JT wasn’t there yet. Had he changed his mind about coming?

We were about to leave when his truck came barreling up the driveway. I never noticed what a guy drove before, but I had to admit he looked damn sexy driving that truck. He had the windows rolled down and his arm hanging out the window. He had his red baseball cap on backwards and he grinned when he saw me.

“It’s about time!” Matt called to him. “Can you drive there too?”

“Sure, everyone pile in,” he looked at me specifically. I casually walked over to his truck and got into the front seat.

“Hey,” he said as we waited for everyone else to get in. “You look good in the front seat of my truck.”

The butterflies went into overtime in my stomach and I smiled so hard I thought my face would crack. Before he could say anything else, Brittany got in the back seat.

“Let’s get this party started!” She called out the window and Matt honked his horn at us. He took off down the driveway and we followed behind. I looked out the window, letting the wind hit my face while Brittany chattered on. I turned my head towards JT and caught him looking at me. He winked at me and I stifled a giggle.

I looked out at the side mirror and decided he was right; I did look good in his truck. I hoped I would be spending a lot of time in it this summer.



“Makin’ This Boy Go Crazy”

Ihad an ulterior motive when I agreed to go boating tonight.

I wanted to see Kara in a swimsuit. She probably looked amazing. She even looked hot at work today in her jean shorts and t-shirt.

I worked late and almost missed the group by the time I got cleaned up and headed out to Matt’s. Thankfully I caught them before they left. I was thrilled when Kara sat in the front seat. There was nothing better than a pretty girl next to me in my truck.

Her friend Brittany came with us along with two others and they were chatting loudly in the backseat. I fought the urge to reach across the seat and touch her.

“Oh my God!” She cried out and reached for the volume on the radio. “It’s our song!” She turned it up and sat back in the seat, singing along to the same song we had danced to the night before, Luke Bryan’s “That’s My Kind of Night”.

Everyone in the truck joined her and started swaying to the music. I swore I could feel the truck moving. I tried to keep one eye on the road and one on her. She was closing her eyes and singing along. It was the sexiest thing I ever saw.

The song ended as we pulled up to the lake. I parked my truck and everyone got out laughing and smiling. This was going to be one hell of a summer and I suspected it had to do with a certain girl I couldn’t keep my eyes off of.

Chase and I helped Matt get his boat into the water. The girls came down on the dock to get in and I took Kara’s hand so she could step onto the boat. “Thanks,” she smiled at me and brushed a stray piece of hair from her forehead.

I watched her pull a beer out of the cooler and sit down next to Brittany. It was going to be hard to get any quality time with her since we were in a group, but I was going to give it a try. I wanted to ask her out for later in the week. My palms started to sweat when I thought about it; I had never been so nervous to ask a girl out.

Matt and I got the boat away from the dock and by the time I was able to get a beer and sit down, the only spot was up by Matt. Kara had Chase on one side of her and Matt’s brother Derek on the other. What the fuck? How was I supposed to talk to her?

I opened my beer and sat down with a scowl. I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and took a drink. If I couldn’t get near her tonight, how was I supposed to ask her out?

“What’s the matter, JT? Getting cock-blocked?” Matt smirked as he drove the boat out to the sandbar everyone parked at to party.

“Whatever,” I muttered and took another drink. I turned and looked back at her. She had taken off her top to reveal her black string bikini top. I swallowed hard, my gaze traveling over the curves of her breasts. I felt a stir between my legs. She stood up and unbuttoned her jeans, shimmying them down her legs. She stepped out of them and I bit my lip. Damn, the bottoms barely covered her ass and I noticed Chase and Derek checking her out.

I clutched my beer can a little too tight, causing it to crinkle loudly. Matt snorted and rolled his eyes but the rest of the group was oblivious to me. Fuck, this was not going how I hoped at all.

Matt turned on some music and the girls began to dance to the latest song by Jason Aldean. Soon Chase and Derek were dancing with them. I finished the rest of my beer and got another one. Booze might be the only thing to get me through this evening.
