Page 5 of Lost In Emotion

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She frowned. “I see.”

I pulled her against my side and stroked her arm. “Until you. You’re the best thing to happen to me in a long time. Maybe even ever.”

Tiffany turned her head, and I cupped her face in my hand, drawing her to me for a kiss. It was a small, gentle kiss. I teased her tongue slightly, but I didn't want to scare her. I had no idea how experienced she was.

She kissed me back willingly but seemed tentative, making me glad I wasn't too aggressive right off the bat. Then, finally, the kiss ended, and she had the biggest smile on her face.

“That wasn’t your first kiss, was it?” I teased. A hot girl like her had to at least have been kissed by her age.

"No, it wasn't my first kiss." She rolled her eyes at me, but her lips were upturned into a smile. She paused and looked down at her hands in her lap before looking back at me. "But it was the first kiss that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was amazing."

I laughed and threw my head back. I rubbed her arm. "Oh, Tiffany, you haven't seen anything yet. That was a tame kiss. I didn't want to scare you."

This girl was so innocent; it made my dick ache. I wanted to throw her down on the grass and defile her. I wanted to break her, so she was a dirty girl, craving my cock. She would look so fucking hot on her knees in front of me, begging for me to give her my dick.

"Oh," she replied quietly and paused before talking again. "Maybe you figured this out already, but I'm not very experienced. I've dated a few guys, but nothing serious. I've kissed a few too, but they were never very good kissers. The last one spent more time making out with my chin than my lips." She made a face, and I laughed.

Damn, I bet she was even a virgin. It had been a very long time since I'd been with a virgin. I shifted slightly in my seat, willing my cock not to hard and scare her away. I wanted her begging for it, but tonight was not the night.

“I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience. I hope that kiss was better.” I reached up and put my hands at the base of her neck, squeezing slightly.

She nodded vigorously. “That one was already a million times better.”

“Let’s try again to be sure.” I started to lean in to kiss her again when her best friend Sarah came outside calling for her.

We were quiet, but Sarah persisted, and then I heard some asshole tell her we were out back on the swing.

“I’m sorry.”

"That's okay, babe." I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I should get home anyway. Stay away from guys named Dick. Give me your number, and I'll call you about that date."

She rattled it off, and I memorized it before getting up and heading across the yard to my house. I wanted to turn around and save one last time, but I also wanted to play it cool. I saw her best friend sitting by her on the swing when I got inside.

I ran her number through my head again and grabbed a piece of paper from the kitchen. I wrote it down and shoved it in my jean jacket pocket. I would wait a couple of days, so I didn't seem so eager, but I couldn't wait to get Tiffany alone and out on a date.



Last night still felt like a dream. I started the night totally pissed off at my friend for deserting me and then annoyed at that dude named Dick for harassing me. I even considered hopping in my car and going home without Sarah.

Then Justin showed up.

It seemed like a movie - a damsel in distress and her white knight comes to save her. He scared the shit out of Dick, and when he called me his girl, my knees got weak. He was only trying to be friendly and save me. At least that's what I thought until he asked me out and told me he was there to see me.

I literally died and went to heaven.

When I didn't think the night could get any better, Justin kissed me. It was amazing. I felt kind of dumb, though. He was probably so experienced and had been with many girls, and I'd barely kissed a couple of guys. I was still a virgin, and I would bet any money he wasn't. My inexperience would probably scare him off.

Of course, after being missing for half the night, Sarah had to finally appear and scare Justin away. I told her how he scared off that guy, asked me out, and then kissed me. She jumped in and told me that she and Jim had had sex earlier.

I couldn’t be happier for my friend but also a little jealous. Would I have a summer fling that would allow me to also lose my virginity? Or would I go to college a virgin? Would Justin even want me if he knew I was a virgin?

I got worried when I didn’t hear from Justin in a couple of days. He had mentioned how busy he was with work and his band, but had he forgotten about me?

It had been five days, and it was another night working at Blockbuster. We were pretty slow for a Thursday night, and I was dying to get out of there. Sarah wasn't working with me like usual, so it was extra boring.

Around ten, we heard a car with loud music pull up. I glanced out of the window, and my heart started beating a million miles a minute. It was dark, so I couldn't be positive, but I swore Justin had just pulled up. Shit, that gave me no time to check my hair and makeup, and he'd see me in this ridiculous blue polo shirt and khaki pants.
