Page 14 of His for the Summer

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His eyes filled with tears and he shook his head. “You’re beautiful. Silas is one lucky guy. And I wish your mom was here to see this. She’d be so proud of you.”

“Me too, Dad.” I waved my hands in front of my eyes as they started to fill with tears. “Now don’t ruin my makeup.”

“Sorry. Are you ready to marry the love of your life?” Dad offered his arm to me and I hooked mine in it.

“I’ve never been more ready in my whole life.”

The rest of the summer ended up being nothing short of amazing. Once we didn’t have to hide our relationship, we had more fun, even with Dad. I went home with Dad and lived with him for a while before getting a job at Silas’s real estate firm. His PR person was planning to retire, so he hired me to learn from them and take over when they were gone.

Silas sold his home and the two of us bought one together, finally moving in together. The first night in our new home, he proposed and of course I said yes.

Now we were back at Mountain Resort Lodge for our wedding. It seemed fitting to start our life as a married couple in the same place our relationship started. I was looking forward to spending summers here with Silas and some day our kids.

The wedding ceremony was quick but full of emotion. I swear no one cried more than Dad but even Silas got emotional when he said his vows to me.

Everything after that was a whirlwind and we barely had a moment alone. I finally managed to steal him away from the guests to walk down to the lake. I had a little surprise for him - a wedding gift if you will.

“I’m having a blast but it’s nice to have you to myself too.” Silas grabbed my ass and pulled me to him for a kiss. “Maybe a quickie?”

I rolled my eyes. “As much I’d love to Mr. Clark, that’s not happening in this dress. There would be nothing quick about it. I brought you down here because I had a surprise for you.”

“What’s that, Mrs. Clark?” He smiled down at me. I was never going to get tired of hearing that.

I reached into my strapless bra and pulled out a plastic stick, handing it to him. He let me go and looked down at it, a puzzled look on his face. “What’s this?”

“You’re a smart guy, Silas. What does it look like?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Is this - ? Are you - ?” He studied it again. “You’re pregnant.”

“I am. I took that this morning.”

His hands started shaking and he scooped me up in his arms. “I’m going to be a dad?”

I nodded and when he put me down, I went on my tiptoes to kiss his lips. “You're going to be the best dad, Silas.”

“Thank you, Marley. This is the best wedding present.” He slipped the test into his pocket. “I love you, Mrs Clark. Don’t you ever forget it.”

“I love you, Mr. Clark.” I pulled him down for a long kiss.

Maybe I could figure out a way to have a quickie in my wedding dress.

The End
