Page 34 of Insatiable

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The way my fur stands against my skin tells me someone is near my house. I glance over at little mouse at my side. She has fallen asleep next to my side, curled into my fur. Slowly, I slide from the bed before creeping out of the room and then the house. I strip off my clothing before stalking to the feeling of magic. White eyes peer at me.

“You smell like the human bitch.” A familiar voice comes. “Are you fucking her or eating her still?” Rome steps from the shadows.

My jaw tightens. Should have eaten that fucker… There’s still time. “Leave.”

A few wolves begin to surround me, and my eyes follow them.

“Did you know we had to kill her little… friend? She seduced my father and tried to have his kin. My father killed her in front of everyone… We could do that for your little… girlfriend.”

A growl erupts from my throat.

“You killed one of us, monster! What? Did you really think you were going to get away with that? Took so long to finally find you. Had to compromise with the lions to get details from them…” Rome snorts. “So, we take you and kill Artemis.”

My eyes snap to him, rage running through my chest. How dare he fucking talk about her like that? I don’t even have to know her name to know he’s talking about my girl. “Over my fucking dead body.”

Rome fucking laughs in my face. “You?! You fell in love with a human nobody? Mhm. How pathetic! You think anyone can actually love you back?”

I lift my chin. His words didn’t hurt me.

“Can’t wait to have your skull.” He starts, and I see his jaw elongate with his wolf as he begins to shift. “On my wall.”

That’s when all the twenty wolves begin to strike.


Ezekiel’s roar wakes me up with a jolt. I reach over on the side of the bed and still feel the warmth of him being there, but obviously, he’s gone now.

I jump from the bed, looking outside the window. I see wolves surrounding Sunshine. One has his forearm latched in between his jaw.

My heart jumps and I spring into action without another thought. I cease my moment at the front door. What was I a human doing to do against all those wolf shifters?

Then I think about the ax in the yard that Ezekiel uses to cut down wood. Twisting, I rush towards the back, but just as I’m about to throw open the back door, it slams open against the wall. The window shatters against the wall.

A wolf jumps into the house and sends me onto my ass. But quickly, I get up and rush around the island. The wolf lunges at me.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins and without thinking, I grab a pan from the stove and swing. The pan cracks against the wolf’s head. It whimpers and hits the wall.

Running, I move outside. Glass embeds itself into my skin, earning a hiss but I keep pushing. The night air wakes me up further, as if adrenaline isn’t the best nerve starter. I move to the shed Ezekiel keeps the ax in. Growls and whines fills the air.

Glancing over, my shoulder I see a familiar wolf rushing to me. Rome. My heart pumps as I rip the shed open. My hands wrap around the ax, turning and getting ready for impact.

But Ezekiel rushes and grabs him by his scruff and pulls him back from me. Ezekiel looks… less… like my monster and more like an actual monster. He’s naked and his fur around his neck and body is longer. I can see each bone of his spine and his eyes are pure red while also looking craze. I swear he looks longer too, like his limps have gotten longer than before.

This is his true form.

My eyes move to the old wooden bow and arrows in the corner. I drop the ax, knowing I would never be good at it if I used it. I load the bow, moving out. Five wolves cling to Ezekiel’s fur, his blood leaking all over the ground. My fingers release the arrow and I watch it fly straight into the head of the wolf on his back. One by one, I start shooting each and every one of the wolves around him.

Ezekiel doesn’t hold back, ripping each and every one apart. I swear I can see him drooling for a taste.

Something from my right hits me and tackles me into the ground. My bow scatters away from me. The sound of jaws snapping makes me push the wolf on top of me back. But suddenly, the fur is gone.

“Look at this, bitch,” Rome’s voice comes. Before I can look, I feel his knuckles across my face. “I want to finish what I started.” I feel pain as a handful of my hair is pulled as I’m twisted around pressed stomach side down into the mud. I yelp as he pulls my head up. “Look at him.”

My monster and I lock eyes. More wolves have overtaken him, and he’s being pinned down and is being rip apart. Tears burn in my eyes.

I feel Rome’s hands running up my thighs, pushing up Ezekiel’s t-shirt. My heart begins to beat so fast it’s overwhelming.
