Page 36 of Insatiable

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“Oh fuck!” I cry. The tighten inside of me is so painful yet feels so good. I throw my head back into his palm, crying out into the night. “Ezekiel!”

“Fuck, don’t scream my name, or this will end quickly.”

I clench down around him, unable to process a single word he just said to me. My eyes tear up and I look up at my monster. His red eyes look down at me. His jaw clenches and he slams into me deeper.

“Ezekiel! Ezekiel! Please! I’m coming!”

He growls, nails digging into my hips. I try to roll them, gaining more pleasure to my clit that rubs against him. My moans come uncontrollable, and I scream his name more. My fingers dig into his fur until my pussy explodes around him. I throw my head back, screaming as I hit cloud nine.

My monster follows, roaring so loud my ears ring. I feel something tighten in my pussy, making me flinch. He collapses on me, breathing just as hard as I am.

“I almost killed you…” he whispers.

I run a hand lazily through his hair. “But you didn’t.”

“Because… I smelled you.”

My brows pull together. “Huh?”

“You were turned on.” He picks up his head to look at me. “You got turned on right as I was going to eat you.”

I drop my head into the snow. “I wish I got eaten.”

He scoffs. “Artemis, you aren’t taking this serious.”

Sitting up a bit, I feel the tension in my lower stomach. “What is that?!”

Growling, he slowly shifts into his handsome human form and pulls his dick from me. The pressure from my pussy is gone, letting me relax. “I knot when I come.”

Knot? As in… a huge knot forms at the base of your… Oh, that’s hot. I read about that before.

“Why are you so horny over me?!” He shouts in my face.

I look up at human Ezekiel. This version of him doesn’t turn me on. “Because I like you. No, I love you, Ezekiel.”

He freezes, eyes softening. “Artemis, don’t-”

“Can you go back to being who you really are?”

He blinks. “You love a fucking monster?”

Rage enters my chest. I just said it. I just told him how I felt, and he still doesn’t understand. “Yes! The one who saved me from wolves and the lake. The one who cooks for me and bathed me when I was hurt. The one who sits in silence and lets me read even though he smells me getting turned on. I love the monster who saved me and showed me that he’s not the real fucking monster!”

His dark eyes scans my face. “I almost ate you.”

“But you didn’t. Now give me back my Ezekiel. I want my monster back.”

He stares at me before shifting back into who he truly is. The monster towers over me, crimson eyes on me. His skull head tilts to the side, horns curling and twisting back and down towards his broad shoulder. From the jaw down, he’s covered in thick black fur. My hands finds his chest as I look up at him. This was the monster that saved me. Ezekiel saved me from my horrible life. “Do you actually love me, Artemis?”

I reach up, touching his bone skull. I kiss the front of his mouth. “I love you so much. I love my monster.”
