Page 45 of Hell’s Flame

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“Now be a good little slave and follow me,” I say with a growl. I let him go and start walking to class. The looks I get show that at least some of the hounds were listening to us. But I don’t care. Part of me feels guilty being Ledger’s, and looking at all these men that I want—Ozias, Inarian, Ryker… Jigsaw, why isn’t he allowed to look at girls, but I can kiss Jigsaw and think about Ryker fucking me? It makes no sense, but I don’t like sharing, and I know in a way, I’ll never be fully happy with just the two.

Ledger gets a passionate, hot kiss before I enter my class. This is the class I have with Khazon, but he’s not here yet, and Miya is sitting with some guy. She flashes me a smirk as her hand runs up this guy’s arm.

My brows pull together as I just walk to the back. The class fills up more and more until, finally, Khazon comes in. I watch as he glances at Miya and the guy before moving to the only seat open, the one next to me. Miya makes sure she’s extra flirty with this guy in front of us.

I can’t help but smile and lean over. “Trouble in paradise?”

He looks at me from the corner of his eye, and part of me doesn’t think he is going to answer me. “I caught her cheating on me with him.”

My smile fades. “Are… Are you okay?”

Khazon sighs. “Honestly, better than ever. I don’t even know what I saw in her.”

I sit back. “I can kick her teeth in, if you want.”

He smiles, rolling his eyes. “No. Honestly, it’s not worth the struggle. She’s happier, I’m happier.”

I snort, leaning in again. “She’s trying very hard to make you jealous right now.”

“Yeah?” He opens his notebook, barley looking up at her.

I nod.

“I don’t think it’s working.”

Chuckling, I agree.

Miya looks at us, brows pulling at us sitting together. I reach over, giggling and touching Khazon’s shoulder. “You’re so funny, Khazzie.”

Khazon’s dark brows pull together, and he eyes me.

Quickly, I glance over at Miya, and he caught on to what I was doing. “Asura, don’t be mean.”

I let out a snort, leaning in and looking up at him through my eyelashes. “Mean? Me?”

Our eyes lock and something inside of me wouldn’t let me look away from him.I missed him more than I’ve admit. He’s been my best friend, but…My eyes drop to his lips.

The classroom door has me pulling apart from him and directing my attention to the front. Part of it feels normal, and I had almost forgotten all about what Khazon said. He’s done a lot to make sure I know he’s sorry, like protecting Fen and Killian, or helping Fen with stuff. He even willingly let Ledger stay with me and train me.

Part of me wishes I had my friend back. I look at him as his eyes stay glued on the teacher. His jaw is sharp, and his lips are full and pink. Girls throw themselves at him, but he never seems to pay attention. I wouldn’t be surprised if Miya was his first girlfriend.

His dark eyes slightly move to me before he turns his head.

I look at the teacher, scratching my head as if he never saw me staring at him.

Class goes by fast, and I try to keep up with everything the best I can. I wasn’t here for more than a week before the school closed.

When I leave the classroom, Hazen is by the lockers. His bright blue eyes find me almost instantly and he pushes off from the lockers. “Hello, beautiful.” His lips curl into a smile.

His words blanket me and make me all warm and fuzzy.Gross.“Where have you been?”

He sucks on his teeth. “Ledge told me about his stupid fucking comment. I wasn’t fucking girls.”

I snort. “You really think I was worried about that? I was just asking a question, Haze.”

He bumps me, pushing me toward my next class. “I was dealing with the dean. I owe a bit of money…”

“How much?”
