Page 74 of Hell’s Flame

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Heat caresses my skin, and I push from the body next to me. Ledger is too hot to sleep with sometimes…

I open my eyes, seeing a tan arm trying to pull me back. Ledger left. Why’s my body hot? I glance over to see Jigsaw at the edge, not wanting to cuddle. He’s naked, enjoying the silk sheets. I smirk. But suddenly heat kisses my whole body, sending me upright.

A vision glosses over my eyes. Darkness surrounds me instead of Jigsaw’s room. I reach out and feel pain as a punch comes across my face. A groan leaves my lips, but the voice isn’t mine.

It’s deep and raspy.


Asura,a voice says back to me. He knows I’m in his head.

“Tell the people the truth about Asura and her demon,” a smooth female voice comes.

“Fuck you.”

I feel a hand on my face and the cover over my head comes off. Well, my father’s. A girl with a mask stands in front of him.

“Tell us the truth.” The girl moves to the black stone throne and sits upon it.

My father stays silent. They are in the castle. I need to get to the throne room.

I feel fire as a blade cuts into my skin.My father’s.He groans, glaring up at the girl. “Tell the world the truth about Asura and who she really is.”

The world? What’s going on with this girl?

My father glares at her. Then the blade kisses his skin again. My father bites back a shout.

I will the vision away, but I can’t… I need to warn my hounds.I need Hazen. Jigsaw. Anyone.

“Dad?” a soft voice makes both of us stiffen.

Then a whipping noise fills the air, and my father turns just in time to see a knife flying into the chest of Fenric. His eyes widen and meet my father’s.

My heart drops and my eyes sting with burning tears. My father’s chest pounds hard, and his blood runs cold. as Fenric drops the ground.

No. Not Fen.

My father begins to shift into his demon form from anger.

But then I feel heat in my chest again. My father’s eyes move to the masked girl.

“The throne will be mine, Atar.” Pain takes over as I look down at the dagger embedded in my father’s chest. His heart stops beating.

My father is the Devil… No one can kill the Devil, right?

“Burn the place down. Kill everyone in it.”

My eyes move to Fen, and when my father tries to crawl to him a scream erupts from my own lips, filling the house around us as flames begin to burn brightly around my family.
