Page 15 of Unmasked Heart

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Colton winks. “Hydration is important. You’ve had me parched all night.”

“Wow.” I draw it out in a long vowel. “That was cheesy as hell.”

“That’s my best line!” Colton laughs, deep and rich.

“Your game needs work.”

Colton lays a hand over his face, peeking between his fingers. His eyes dance behind his mask. I bite my lip around a smile. We both set our goblets on the table.

My heart flutters with excitement when he slides closer to drape his arm around my waist. Together we watch the party from our quiet corner. I lean against him and turn my nose into the base of his neck.

There’s a sense of familiarity tugging at me in the way he smells beneath the clean aftershave. Once again Cohen flashes in my mind. I brush him aside and revel in the allure of the man dominating my company tonight.

The man who isn’t my future husband.

Colton’s thumb sweeps over my bare back, calling forth a shiver of sensitivity at his enticing touch. He tips his head down and puts his lips to my ear, his breath hot as he murmurs in a deep voice.

“There’s billions of dollars walking around this room between the bank accounts, jewelry, and fashion, but all of it pales in comparison to how beautiful you look tonight.”

Swallowing, I glance up through my lashes and part my lips. He stares at me with something unreadable in his eyes. His attention drops to my parted lips.

If he leans down to kiss me, I’ll let him. I want him to do it. I tilt my head back a little more, silently wishing for the touch of his lips on mine.

Would his kiss be as delicious as the taste of danger I have right now, flirting with another man while my father plans to marry me off to the highest bidder to secure another few zeros in his bank account?

I’m game to find out.

Colton makes me feel brave and daring. With him by my side, I imagine all the ways I could stand up to Dad and win every battle.

The tart flavor of forbidden rebellion dances on my tongue as Colton touches my jaw.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“What for, sweetheart?”

“Giving me tonight. You’ve been better than a dream.”

The curve of Colton’s mouth is winsome.

“I bet you say that to all the guys that dance with you.”

I shake my head. “I’m not allowed…” I pause to lick my lips. “I’m engaged. It’s an arranged marriage.”

I watch Colton’s face for his reaction to what I’m telling him. His smile fades, but he doesn’t step away from me.

“You didn’t say anything.”

“I don’t want the marriage. It’s…a business deal. My father’s business partner’s son is my fiancé.”

“In this day and age?”

A broken laugh escapes me. “You better believe it. Plenty of people in the world have arranged marriages still.”

“Yeah, but in New York City?”

I shrug, helpless to the ugly truth chaining me. Colton brushes a piece of loose hair from my face.

With a tremor in my voice, I admit to him, “I’ve always had to do as I’m told. But I don’t want to be another pawn on my father’s board.”
