Page 19 of Unmasked Heart

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Don’t. Leave it on.

My chest heaves and I stare back at him. After a beat, his domineering temper shifts and melts back into the playful charmer that’s had me hypnotized under his spell all night.

“It’ll be like a game.” Colton loosens his grip and soothes my wrists, brushing the skin with his thumbs in silent apology. He presses a chaste peck to the inside of one. “Doesn’t that sound hot?”

I can see his point. With the mask on, it’s a lurid fantasy. He could be anyone behind it that my mind chooses.

Unbidden, Cohen flashes to the forefront of my mind. I suck in a breath.

“I guess.”

The corner of Colton’s mouth lifts and he kisses me slow and deep and filthy. I forget about his mask and melt against him. Colton releases my wrists and I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss.

After a minute, he buries his hand in my hair at the nape of my neck. He directs me to sit on the settee behind me and I drop in a cloud of the gauzy material of my skirt.

Colton stands above me with his hands tucked into his pockets, simply studying me like I’m a work of art.

I must be a sight to behold, my hair a mess from his hands and flushed from orgasm.

I’m a masterpiece he wrecked.

My nipples tingle as he takes his time getting his fill, drinking me in head to toe with a hungry gaze. I lean back against the settee and meet his eyes with a saucy look of my own. Licking my lips, I allow my legs to spread a fraction. My pulse pounds in my ears as our seductive dance continues. He rumbles deep in his chest and an answering heat spills through my body. I need more of him.

Colton braces his hands on the back of the settee, caging me in. This is a cage I happily submit to. A grin spreads across his face.

“What do you need, sweetheart?”

Once again, I’m reminded of Cohen. I swallow and focus on the man before me.

Colton lifts one hand to trace his fingertips over my delicate lace mask. He skates his touch down my cheek and wraps his fingers around my neck in a loose grip, just firm enough to let me know he’s controlling me.

“I…uh.” Thoughts flee my mind and I’m left with my mouth gaping like a fish. “Kiss me?”

Colton smirks and gives my neck a small squeeze. “I’ll give you everything you want.”

He doesn’t kiss me as he comes closer. There’s a rustle in my hair and I blink as he pulls off the lace mask.

“You get to see my face, but I don’t get to see yours?”

Colton strokes my hair. “Part of the game, princess.”

Before I can argue, he drops to his knees and gathers the hem of my gown. With a wicked grin, he lifts my skirt to reveal my legs and my silvery lingerie.

“Mm, that’s a pretty sight.”

I squirm in place and I’m met with a raspy chuckle.

He circles his fingers around my ankles and skims his touch up to my knees. His palms are hot as he nudges them apart.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Colton murmurs. “You are divine and you’re all mine.”

I inhale sharply. There’s an insistent throb between my legs and I have the urge to snap them closed. He must sense it, because he squeezes my knees and presses them wider.

“Don’t just stare,” I whisper in a rush.

My cheeks are on fire and I cover my face with my hands.
