Page 25 of Unmasked Heart

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Would I have allowed myself to succumb to this debauchery if I knew it was Cohen behind that mask from the start?

I’d like to think I wouldn’t, but I can’t deny how much my body is attuned to him, yearning for his touch even now. He violated my trust and consent, and heat still throbs deep in my belly for him to do it all over again.

The echo of his cock lingers inside me. My empty walls clench around the memory.

I take a shuddering breath. He won this game. He’s had his fun.

But Cohen doesn’t get to win our war.

I still won’t marry him.

Pushing up from the chair, I survey the tear in my gown, the slit ending above my hip instead of my thigh. I click my tongue as I graze my fingers over the ruined fabric.

Cohen rustles around in my periphery. When I look up, his cock is back in his pants and his shirt is buttoned.

“You can’t be mad,” he says.

I scoff. “I fucking well can! You don’t get to decide my feelings.”

The corners of his lips twitch up into a sardonic expression. “Oh, but I think I do.”

“Only in your dreams,” I snap.

Cohen makes a show of glancing around the room, leaning close to the settee to examine it with over-exaggerated dramatics.

“Hmm, I think what we just did together paints a very different picture.”

I wrap my arms around myself and squeeze my elbows. Cohen straightens and ambles over to me, eating up the distance I put between us in easy strides.

“I told you to say you were mine,” he breathes. He reaches up and brushes his crooked finger over my cheek. I jerk my head back and his lips thin into a flat line. He leans into my space and speaks slowly. “And then you said my name.”

My throat works as I swallow. Cohen takes my silence as permission to continue reasoning with me. He runs his fingers through my hair.

“You knew anyway, even with my disguise.”

I shake my head. Cohen sighs and his hand slips down to my neck. His thumb presses into the hollow of my throat to the point of discomfort and I go still. Cohen’s eyes flick back and forth over my face.

“You liked what I did to you.”

My eyes flutter shut. He’s got me there. There’s nothing I can say in my defense.

None of those orgasms or moans were fake.

He releases me and turns around. I grimace at the lump that lodges in my throat, my emotions threatening to spill over. As I blink a few hot tears slide down my cheeks.

I scan the room, looking for where Cohen flung my underwear as he bends to retrieve his white jacket. He dusts it off and slings it over his shoulder with two fingers hooked in the collar.

My underwear has vanished. I stand in the middle of the room with my hands propped on my hips. I could go without, but Cohen would know I was running around with nothing beneath my gown. I don’t think I can stomach his knowing smirk.

“Looking for these, princess?”

My gaze snaps to Cohen. Every inch of his posture radiates smugness.

His head is cocked to the side as he dangles the scrap of silver lace from his fingers.

“I’m not your fucking princess.” I take a step forward and he makes a discouraging click with his tongue.

“I’ll be keeping these.” He stuffs the crinkled bundle into his pocket and pats it.
