Page 19 of Shattered Dreams

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“No, I believe I said that if Logan wanted to know the truth, then I would show him,” She calls me on my bullshit. What is with this beautiful woman? How does she see through all the bullshit my boys and I have thrown her way?

“Phoenix, I’m trying to help you here. You have no idea what he was told, and you have no idea what he believes,” I implore her to listen to me. I know I haven’t given her any reason to trust me, but I need her to give me the benefit of the doubt.

“Humph, that’s funny, Stryker, YOU trying to help me. That is the funniest shit I have heard all day. How exactly are YOU trying to help me here, huh?" I can feel her fury in the air as she turns to me. The pain and mistrust in those ice-blue eyes are like a thousand knives piercing my body.

I have never wanted to make a female feel and look at me like that. The feelings of guilt and regret fills me so much that it’s almost unbearable. When everything is said and done, I’ll have a lot to make up for. If she’ll have me.

“I’m trying to understand the situation, Phoenix. I need you to help me. This doesn’t mean we’re friends, and you shouldn’t let your guard down, but I need to make Logan understand he doesn’t have both sides of the story.” I’m pleading now; I hope she understands I’m her only resort. She needs to tell someone something before this goes so far that none of us can ever come back.

Bending down to grab her bag, she slings it over her shoulder while she types something on her phone. She turns to look at me once more, and I know before she has to tell me, I’ve lost her.

“Listen, Stryker, to put it simply, I don’t trust you. You’ve been in on everything Logan has done so far, and you haven’t given me a single reason to tell you my story,” she heads to the door to leave, stopping right beside me she adds, “I’m sorry. I wish it could have been different, but it’s not. The truth is, you have Logan’s back, and I can’t go there with you. When Logan’s ready, I’ll be here. Until then, you can’t bat your eyes and smile at me to get a truth that isn’t yours to have.”

With that, I just stand there as she walks out the door. If anything, today’s little meeting has confirmed my suspicions. I just need to find out what went down, and the only way to do that is to betray the one person who doesn’t deserve this.

I just hope when all is said and done, she’ll forgive me. I only want to save her from any more pain.
