Page 22 of Highland Warrior

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Yesenda sighed at the realization because an unwelcome feeling stole over her. It wasenvy. She wondered what type of lover Iain would make, then blushed at her errant thought. She had no business lusting after a man she could not have. Her path was chosen long ago. The work Yesenda carried out for theOrderwas dangerous, and she could not afford emotions to detract from her mission. Yesenda tried to find something else to focus on. That’s when she saw him.

It was a quick glance, but she knew who it was. A lean built lad wearing a hooded garment sat among the keep staff. Yesenda glared at him when their eyes met, and she saw the shock register on his face at being caught. She knew he was going to run, so she politely excused herself from the present company, feigning a need for fresh air. Yesenda moved down the side of the dais. She smiled sweetly at passers-by, then quickened her pace. As soon as she hit the dimly lit passageway, she bolted past the guards and straight out into the night. Her plan was to cut off his escape route.

Yesenda had read his movements correctly and spotted the hooded figure running across the bailey. She took off after him. Climbing up the turret, she timed the moment and jumped down, landing in front of him.

She pulled off his hood and scolded him. “Edmund! Do you ken how dangerous it is to be here?”

“Aww, but I just wanted to join the festivities,” he whined.

She grabbed his arm and dragged him around the corner near the shrubbery.

“What have I told you about staying away from large gatherings?”

“But I’m never allowed to go anywhere.”

“I’ve told you before, there’s a reason. Tis only temporary, you must remain out of sight until an escort arrives from Brother Mateo. You ken there are men who wish you dead, Edmund?”

“But I have done nothing wrong.”

“Where are your foster parents?”

“Tis just me. I snuck out when they went to market.”

“Are you daft?” Yesenda took deep breaths to calm herself. She needed to remember he was just a curious young lad who did not know the threat he posed to the Duke of Normandy.

“Where is your guard, then? I want to have a stern word with him.”

Edmund said, “I... I could not find him to ask.”

“Well, I am going to see you home and make sure you remain there.”

“Aw, can’t I just stay for a little while?”

“I am sorry, Edmund, but you cannot. I promise in the future you will have far more freedom, but I need you to be patient and trust me, please.”

He sighed heavily as one who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. “All right.”


Ballachullish Township

It had taken Yesenda some maneuvering to get away from Henderson Keep unnoticed. But she managed it. She had also changed into trews and her cloak, which had several weapons hiding within the seams.

By the time Yesenda and Edmund reached the top of the road leading to the cottage where Edmund and his foster parents lived, it was close to midnight. She surveyed the cottage. There was light shining inside and smoke coming from the chimney. A guard sat outside in a chair. Everything looked as it should except her instincts told her all was not normal.

She quickly grabbed the reins of Edmund’s mount, stopping its progress.

Yesenda whispered, “Edmund, dismount now and move your horse to the trees. Do it quickly.”

Sensing the tension, Edmund did as she asked.

She followed suit and moved her horses into a copse of trees.

“Take this.” She handed him a knife. “Do you ken how to use it?”

“Aye,” he said. “Brother Mateo taught me.”

“Good, then keep it close and remain hidden and wait for me.”

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