Page 25 of Highland Warrior

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Iain just shook his head and said, “You need to learn to sleep alone, Liosa.”

Iain walked out of the cottage and shut the door behind him. Leaving a shocked Liosa behind.

When he was back in his cottage staring at the rafters again, he thought about how Liosa still could not light her own fire, or even make breakfast or cook or clean, or do anything that required work or effort. He wondered why she had never learned.How did the woman survive?For as long as he could remember in their relationship, he did everything. He chopped wood, hunted for game, and cooked their meals. He even baked fresh bread for her when she had a craving. Liosa never shared any of the chores.How did he not notice that before?

It seemed as if he was having a book of revelations season. When Iain finally fell asleep, images of sandy blonde locks and a mischievous wink replaced all his worries.


Chapter 8

The following morning, Yesenda went to the river to bathe and wash her garments. The smell of fire and ash clung heavily to them. Yesenda picked a secluded spot and spent ample time scrubbing herself clean. She used a scented soap made with flower petals and rinsed out her hair. Little did she know while she was frolicking in the water, back at the Keep, she was the focus of several conversations.

“Has anyone seen Yesenda this morn?” Niall asked when he entered the hall. Iain and the MacGregor men sat together while the MacGregor women and children were spending time with Sorcha in her solar.

The men all shook their heads.

“Why are you looking for her?” Iain asked.

“I’ve come by some concerning news. I’ll wait until Bram gets here to discuss it with you all.”

Iain grew tense and impatient, waiting for Bram to arrive.

It was not long before Bram appeared with Lachlan, one of the MacGregor retainers.

“What is the matter?” Bram asked.

“Have either of you seen Yesenda this morn?” Niall asked.

“Why?” Bram asked.

“There is talk of a stranger. He has been asking about a lass from the abbey. He did not mention Yesenda’s name but described her likeness.”

Bram furrowed his brow. “We must be cautious. Ruadh asked me to keep an eye on her while she was here.”

“Is she in danger?” Iain asked with concern.

“Ruadh mentioned that wherever his sister is, she attracts trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” Beiste MacGregor asked.

Bram disclosed what Ruadh said about Yesenda’s mishaps. “I think someone needs to keep watch over the stranger and Yesenda needs to be guarded every time she leaves the Keep,” Bram said.

“I’ll do it,” Iain said.

“Are you sure? You dinnae have to if you’re busy—”

“I said, I’ll do it.”

“I’ll ensure my guards are on alert when they watch over our women and bairns,” Beiste MacGregor said.

“Does anyone ken where Yesenda is right now?” Niall asked.

Lachlan said, “Aye, I saw her outside my chamber this morn.”

Iain frowned. “Why was she close to your chamber? There’s no reason for her to be there.”

Lachlan shrugged his shoulders. “All I ken is she was there this morn, then she was not there.”
