Page 4 of Highland Warrior

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“Sister Ines, we dinnae manhandle our charges. Go to the chapel and reflect upon your actions this day,” she commanded.

Sister Ines huffed and gave Yesenda a dirty look, then stormed out of the refectory.

The woman then addressed the room. “Now, will someone tell me what on earth is going on here?”

Una stepped forward and said, “Abbess Murdina, Naomi has been stealing food from the scullery and we tried to stop her, but Yesenda threw apples at us.”

“Bugiarda!I do not steal food. They pushed me for no reason,” Naomi yelled from her spot in the corner.

“And what of your part in this?” Murdina asked Yesenda.

“Tis true I hit them with apples, and I am not sorry for it,” Yesenda replied.

“Why did you feel the need to hurl fruit about the room?”

“They were hurting Naomi for their own pleasure. I wanted them to stop.”

“You are lying,” Eilidh shouted.

“Tis your word against theirs. Unless there is anyone else willing to give their version of events?” Murdina looked about the room.

There was no answer, and the girls lowered their eyes to the floor.

Then Abbess Murdina said, “Very well. I will have to dig deeper. Sister Bissett?” Murdina called behind her.

Another sister entered the room, also in travel clothes. “Aye, Mother Abbess.”

Take these four outside please and I will ask the assembly which version is the truth.

It was the first time Una and Eilidh paled.

Ten minutes later, the abbess emerged from the refectory with a stormy expression and said, “Una and Eilidh, you will come with me now! Yesenda, go finish your meal and please refrain from throwing fruit.”

Yesenda nodded, relieved she would not get into any more trouble.

Abbess Murdina’s expression softened when she addressed Naomi. She said, “Lass, the cook has made up a fresh plate for you.”

Naomi said, “Thank you, Mother Abbess.”

Naomi and Yesenda slowly walked back into the refectory. The tension had lifted. As she walked through the refectory Yesenda felt all eyes on her, except this time it felt different. Each girl nodded to her as she passed them. It was a silent acknowledgement that the balance of power had shifted that day. Without coercion or fear, the other girls told the truth.

Instead of going to her own seat, Naomi brought her food over and sat beside Yesenda. As they settled side by side, it seemed for the first time in a long while, everything was right with the world.

“Thank you for speaking up for me,” Naomi said.

“Tis all right. I am sorry I did not do it sooner,” Yesenda replied.

“Una and Eilidh will be furious. I urge you to be on your guard at night, for that is when they strike.”

“Aye, I will keep that in mind.”

Naomi smiled and Yesenda returned it, then they enjoyed their meal together.

They say the strongest bonds are forged in fire. That day, Yesenda and Naomi created a powerful bond that would serve them well in the years to come.


Chapter 2

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