Page 43 of Highland Warrior

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Yesenda looked confused and said, “I did not hear the bairns shouting overmuch.”

“I was referring to their parents.”

Yesenda chuckled at Iain’s quip. “Tis true. Although it was mostly the men doing the bellowing.”

“That’s because their women were so infuriating it caused them to bellow.”

They both grinned.

Iain cleared his throat and said, “Yesenda, I was hoping to talk to you about what happened that night at the cottage. I—”

“Tis fine, Iain. I understand.”

“Understand what?”

“I understand why you dinnae want me and tis all right. You are in love with Liosa. It was not right for us to do what we were about to do.”

“What do you mean I dinnae want you?”

“Iain, you looked at me as if I were a sea monster. I meant what I said. I ken your heart will always belong to someone else. You were right to stop things before they went too far.”

“You think I am still in love with Liosa?” Iain had to take a step back, stunned by the revelation.

“Can we not talk about this anymore? Oh look, I think someone is calling me.” Yesenda had taken one step when Iain hauled her back.

“I dinnae ken what you’ve heard about me and Liosa but I can assure you, she has no place in my life or my heart. I ended it with her before you arrived. No matter what foolish idea you have in your head, ken this, I desire you with every part of my being.”

“Then why did you stop?”

“Because I want our first time together to be more than a quick swive on a table. You deserve better than that.”

“Oh,” Yesenda said, seeing things from a different perspective.

“If you will allow it, I would like to court you properly,” Iain said.

Yesenda took a sharp intake of breath. “You want to court me?” she asked.

“Aye, I want us to ken each other better because I enjoy being with you.”

That filled Yesenda with elation that Iain had feelings for her as well. But despair followed that elation when she remembered Edmund and theOrderand all the secrets she kept.

Iain wanted to court this version of her. This was all afacade.There was no way she could give him a future when hers was so uncertain.

“What say you, Yesenda? Mayhap we can spend more time together and see how we get on.”

“Iain, I am sorry, but I dinnae think I can. I will leave soon.”

“When?” he demanded.

“When Ruadh comes for me. I have other matters to attend to.”

“Ruadh will not return for a while yet. It will give us ample time to ken one another better.”

“You dinnae understand, Iain. There is much you dinnae ken about me. And you will not like it—”

“Just consider it, Yesenda.” He leaned down and brushed a quick kiss across her lips. Then walked away.

As Iain walked away, he vowed that he would win her over. No matter her objections, he knew in his heart that she would play a role in his future. He hoped by the time Ruadh returned, there would be no need for Yesenda to leave.
