Page 50 of Highland Warrior

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Iain gritted his teeth and willed himself not to become aroused, but the scent of her permeated his senses. His arms remained around her and couldn’t help but noticed how perfectly she fit against him.

He could feel her taut nipples rubbing against his chest, and he groaned.

Yesenda had her arms around Iain, and she gloried in the feel of him. Then she felt his hands moving and caressing her back.

Iain could not help himself. Yesenda haunted his dreams at night and now she was there in the flesh. The sound of her ragged breaths told him she was not unaffected by either.

He leaned closer and dipped his mouth towards her neck so he could inhale her scent. Yesenda raised her languid eyelids and stared directly into his. Iain saw something there. A burning need that reflected his own. A wanting he felt compelled to satisfy.

“Iain,” she whispered. “You should probably let me go now.”

“Aye, I should. But I dinnae want to.”

She blushed, then tried to lower her eyes, but he clasped her chin and raised her head to look at him.

“You’re beautiful Yesenda. The bonniest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.”

“You’re beautiful too, Iain.” Yesenda brushed the back of her palm across his jaw.

He chuckled then said, “Och lass dinnae you mean I am braw and handsome?”

“No, I meant what I said. You are everything a man should be.”

Iain stilled as those words pierced through the fog and the armor. No woman had ever looked at him like he was everything.

“Damn it to hell,” he whispered. Iain kissed her then, and Yesenda welcomed it by opening her mouth as their tongues intertwined.

Iain tightened his hold, deepening the kiss, and Yesenda wrapped her arms around him. She could feel his hardened length prodding her belly, and while it surprised her, she was not afraid. Yesenda was lost in the moment's bliss. She moved her hand lower to caress his length when instinct alerted her to danger.

Yesenda saw movement behind Iain as a man emerged from the clearing.

She broke the kiss and pushed Iain out of the way just as a sharp dagger came flying. She dodged it, then hauled herself up onto the rock and hurled her body at their attacker. Her body weight forced the assailant backward, and he landed on the ground with a thud.

“Yesenda!” Iain shouted, and she could hear him clambering out behind her. Get out of the way and put clothes on.”

She ignored Iain and punched the assailant in the face. Before Yesenda could do anything else, Iain physically lifted her and shoved her to the side.

She watched in awe as a very muscular Iain unleashed his fists on the man. He picked him up by the scruff of his neck and broke his jaw, then threw him onto the ground. The man was writhing in pain after his head hit a rock.

Yesenda ran for her tunic and donned it, then she grabbed Iain’s plaid and dagger. Iain was now standing over the unconscious culprit. She handed him his garments, which he quickly donned, and she tried hard not to look below the belt.

Yesenda saw a different side to Iain. One of a Highland Warrior. He was furious; the anger etched in his facial expressions.

Then he turned to her and… exploded. “What the bloody hell did you think you were doing?” he shouted.

“Me? I was trying to save you—”

“You pushed me out of the way and threw your naked body at him.”

“Aye, I did?”

“Dinnae ever do something like that again. You could have been killed!”

“Iain,” she whispered, trying to placate him.

“And naked! You attacked him buck naked.”

“Well, twas necessary—”
