Page 53 of Highland Warrior

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He snorted. “It used to be enough. But sometimes I wish I had a lass to come home to and bairns underfoot. But every time I find one, she either nearly gets me killed or burns my house down.”

“Mayhap I could find a bonnie MacDonald lass for you to wed. There are plenty of beauties in my clan and—”

“No!” Kieran said.

“What do you mean ‘no’? You've never met any of them.”

“I’ve met you and that’s plenty enough.”

“Kieran, I am shocked. I’ll have you ken MacDonald lassies are the finest women you’ll ever meet!”

Kieran just snorted.

Yesenda felt the insult. “What’s your last name again?” she asked.


“Oh well, you’re right. A MacKenzie will not do for my clanswomen.”

Kieran looked affronted. “What is wrong with MacKenzies?”

“Nothing butbawbags,the lot of them. I think tis best you dinnae marry into my clan. The women would spurn your advances,” she snapped.

Kieran just chuckled. It was the first time he had seen Yesenda get her back up and he found it hilarious.

They had just reached the wooden pathway to the longhouse when Yesenda sensed someone close by. She whipped her head around just in time to see a hooded figure land a couple of feet away.

Kieran immediately put his body in front of hers and drew his sword.

“Calm down, warrior, I mean you no harm,” a woman said. She removed her hood to reveal herself.

“Naomi!” Yesenda leapt with joy and ran to embrace her.

“Why are you jumping out of trees?” Kieran growled.

Naomi ignored him. “Yesenda, I’ve got an urgent message from the abbey.”

Kieran watched the exchange, part enamored, and part annoyed to be dismissed so easily.

Yesenda asked, “What has happened?”

Naomi glanced at Kieran and then at Yesenda, signaling that she could say nothing until Kieran moved away.

Kieran sheathed his sword and folded his arms. “Whatever you have to say can be said right here in front of me.”

Naomi flashed him an angry look, and Kieran just raised his eyebrow mockingly.

“Kieran, this is my friend from the abbey. She obviously needs to relay an important message. Might we have some privacy?”

“No!” he said. “I am to guard you until Iain returns and I’ll not let you out of my sight.”

Yesenda had forgotten how stubborn Kieran could be.

Naomi asked Kieran, “So, you are her guard, are you?”

“Aye, I am.”

“Naomi moved so fast it took Kieran by surprise. She pulled a staff from her cloak, spun it, took two steps and whacked his arm. Then she poked the stick end at his stomach. “Pfft, some guard you are,” she snorted.
