Page 59 of Highland Warrior

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Then Bram said, “All it shows is that Yesenda is loyal and when her oath is pledged, she keeps it. We dinnae ken the full story, but she does, and by the sounds of it, she is well trained to deal with the consequences.”

“I love her, Bram.”

“I ken it, Iain.”

“I’m scared that the woman I love is a lie.”

“Cousin, for years you’ve had the wrong woman in your bed. She convinced you that you deserved no better. I am telling you; you deserve better. And right now, that ‘better’ is getting ready to hie off without you. So, you can sit here drowning in self-pity or you can embrace a future with a woman who would die to protect you and your kin.”

“Aye, you’re right. Send the missive. Let Ruadh ken what is happening.”

“Are you sure, Iain?” Bram asked.

“I’m sure.”

“Then consider it done. But if you give me a few days, I can come with you.”

“No, our clan needs its laird, and you’ve got a wife and bairn to think about now. But I thank you for being prepared to help.”

“At least wait a couple of days,” Bram said.

“I cannot do that. I ken Yesenda is going to leave in the morn without me.”

“Then I wish you Godspeed Iain. Be safe.”


Naomi’s Room, Henderson Keep

“Yesenda, are you sure this is going to work?”

“Aye, you just play your part, Naomi, and no one will be the wiser.”

“I thought we were going to wait until the morning.”

“I’ve run out of time.”

“All right, I’m coming with you.”

“No, I need you to get back to the abbey. Wait there for Abbess Murdina and please allow Kieran to escort you home.”

“Yesenda, if I have to put up with thatuomo scontrosoall the way to the abbey, he is going to end up with a staff up his arse.”

Yesenda chuckled. “Naomi! That is very uncharitable of you. I ken he can be grumpy, but he is a fine warrior. You’re safer with him by your side.”



The next morning at the Keep, Iain strode into the Great Hall, waiting to see the look on Yesenda’s face, when she realized her plan had failed.

“Morning Iain. What a pleasant surprise. You rarely come to the Keep to break your fast. Are you meeting someone?” Tyra asked. She was sitting, eating her meal with Lachlan.

“Aye, I am waiting for Yesenda to escort her back to the glen.”

“Yesenda?” Lachlan asked, looking confused.

