Page 68 of Highland Warrior

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When they were alone, Odo offered the water vinegar and bowl. He sat beside Yesenda and raised his hand with the cloth to bring it to her face.

“You do not mind, do you?” he asked.

It was incredulous to Yesenda that he would ask, but she shook her head. “Tis fine,” she said.

Odo smiled then. It was so devastating Yesenda wondered if he was Lucifer the fallen angel.

The bishop administered to her wounds with a gentle hand. She grimaced with the sting from the vinegar, and he moved closer. “I am sorry. But the pain was necessary.”

She stared into his eyes, and something was happening between them she could not quite understand and, while not uncomfortable, she still did not welcome it.

“You truly are lovely, Miriam. Or should I call you Yesenda?”

She stared up at him in surprise.

He grinned. “Oh,mademoiselleyou did not think I haven’t found out everything about you?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“Tell me where the boy is.”

“What boy?” she feigned ignorance.

“You would truly risk death to protect a useless child?”

“No, I would risk death to keep a vow,” she said.

He paused for a while, then reclined again and smiled. “You truly are a breath of fresh air, Miriam Ferguson. Brother Mateo has had a hand in your training, but I would think the softer sentiments can only be from Abbess Murdina. Which is hardly surprising that she would take an interest in her baby brother.”

Yesenda looked up in confusion.

“Ah I see you do not know all secrets. Your doting abbess is William’s half-sister. She more than anyone knows how ruthless William can be when he feels threatened. Never threaten William with taking his precious dukedom. He has a terrible temper.” Odo shuddered.

Yesenda still held a confused expression.

Odo sighed and said, “The duke and I are half-brothers through our mother. Your abbess and the duke are half siblings through their father, Robert. Her real name is ‘Adeliza’ but as you go by the name Miriam, she uses Murdina and little Edmund, who you protect so viciously, is—”

“Her baby brother,” Yesenda said. Suddenly, it made so much sense. Abbess Murdina did everything in her power to protect the babe.

“No matter what you think of me, I do not kill babies. Besides, our religious ways do not condone infanticide or violence.”

“And yet you wield the war club,” Yesenda said.

“And you wield the mace,” he replied. “For the church to survive, sometimes we must take up arms and protect ourselves.”

“I still will not tell you anything. I have only your word and unless I can confirm the truth of the matter, my position does not change.”

“Rightly so. But you know I only have everyone’s best interests at heart.”

“How so?” Yesenda asked.

“Well, I am perfectly happy with William remaining the duke. I have many luxuries afforded to me because he is a duke and a doting brother. However, I am also respectful of the power and influence his sister wields among the religious orders. So, it’s in my best interest to appease both sides.”

“Why are you so eager to find Edmund?”

“So, I can protect him from William but also keep him in a comfortable lifestyle, so he feels no need to challenge the dukedom. That way William remains duke and I keep Adeliza happy.”

Yesenda scrunched her face up at him.

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