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“How’d it go?” Jack asks, ripping open an ice pop and offering it to me. “The guy calling the cops on us?”

I bite off a little bit of the ice pop and smile. “Nope. Talked him down. I think next time I might even get a smile out of him.”

“Yeah?” Jack raises an eyebrow. “How’d you manage that?”

“Remember that panel you were on at the conference last year? The one about fostering healthy relationships between teachers and administrators?”

“Of course.”

“Well, I remembered how much the concepts of transparency and communication were emphasized—so I tried it out. I told Ethan that we’d give him a heads up about any future parties. That’s all.”

“Huh.” Jack grins. “As simple as that.”

I eat another bite of the ice pop, then hold it out to Jack; he dips his head and takes a bite, too. Then we turn and watch the kids, half of whom have finished their treat and are running around the yard again like little maniacs.

“God, I can’t wait for our kid to get here,” Jack says.

I burst out laughing. “That’swhat you’re looking forward to? Having a crazy little human running around the place?”

“I’m looking forward to all of it,” he says, sliding a hand around my waist. “The crazy, the calm, everything.”

I smile up at him. I feel my love for him—and for our future child—wash over me.

“Yeah,” I say. “Me, too.”
