Page 23 of Taste of Sin

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Chainz shakes my hand again and yanks me in closer, “That’s one bastard we can do without around here. Although this new addition seems like a nice fit.”

“This is Callie Delgado, my wife.” Chainz drops my hand.

“Congratulations.” Chainz tips his head to the woman standing just behind him holding a conversation of her own with one of the other women. “This is my Ol’ Lady Raven. She’d be happy to introduce you around.”

“That would be nice. Thank you.” Callie’s manners are first class but under that good girl exterior is a devil just waiting for the chance to play and when I get her alone, I’ll make sure she gets that chance. Chainz whistles softly and Raven excuses herself from the conversation and appears at his side.

“Raven, this is Callie Delgado. Please introduce her around.” Chainz says to Raven.

“Of course. Follow me.” Raven leads Callie towards a group of other wives and in some cases long time girlfriends of our members, giving me a chance to secure other allies.

I continue to press my way through the room, shaking hands, engaging in casual conversations, and seeking out the occasional opportunity to network with other members that could be useful. Tonight, is about keeping up appearances, silencing suspicions. Perception is all that matters. Power is fleeting. The dynamics in this organization is fluid, at one time Don Marco ran the whole East Coast operation, now he’s off to the side like the rest of us. Cal Carracci and his wife Brie are head of everything now including this syndicate. They are key to settling my mess once and for all. The only thing standing in my way is everyone else vying for his ear and blocking my path. Every gain I make closer to speaking with Carracci is met with someone else pulling us both in opposite directions.

My eyes unintentionally seek out Callie every chance I get. She’s conducting herself with such sophistication no one would ever guess her upbringing was less than stellar. We have that in common.

I watch as she sips a glass of chilled champagne, laughing with some of the other wives when Marks steps in my line of sight. Ronaldo Marks is from old money. A trust fund baby now pushing sixty. As a third-generation tycoon his net worth is greater than anyone in this room, possibly even Carracci. “Dominic, nice to see you again.”

“You too. How was your daughter's wedding?” I ask, feigning interest.

“Spectacular. They are honeymooning in the South of France. Thank you for the generous wedding gift. It wasn’t at all necessary.” He drones on.

Of course, it wasn’t.

I grew up poor, but I’ve known people like Marks my whole life. Money is everything to them and it’s about all he brings to the table in this organization. “My pleasure.”

“Speaking of weddings, I had no idea you were hearing wedding bells yourself.”

“I don’t know that I heard them as much as she did.” We both let out a hardy chuckle and my stomach churns knowing it’s at Callie’s expense.

“Women have a one-track mind you know, I’m on my fourth wife myself. I keep telling myself, never again, but you know how that goes.” His alimony payments alone could feed a third world country. “Is that your wife talking with Don Marco?”

There’s that annoying flip in my stomach again. I peer around him and find Callie has been cut off from the other women and trapped in conversation with the last man in this room I want her to engage with.

“Excuse me for a moment.” I disengage from our trivial conversation and cross the room to Callie’s side as fast as I can without appearing anxious.

“I was hoping you’d join us. I was just giving my condolences to Ms. Hawkins about her grandfather.” He knows damn well that was almost a year ago and the only reason to bring it up is to pry information out of her.

“Mrs. Delgado.” I correct him, my voice at a near rumble.

A sly grin spreads across his sadistic face, “My mistake.”

He couldn’t sound less sincere if his life depended on it. “I hear your father is still running things at Hawk Transport, I’m surprised your grandfather left it to him, given his gambling problem.”

I watch Callie’s polite smile falter, “My father may have his vices, but it seems to me you all have skeletons in your closet. He’s well suited for the job. He’s had it for over thirty years. I don’t see why my grandfather’s death should change that.”

I wrap my arm around Callie’s waist, drawing her tight to my side. Redirecting where this conversation is leading. I can’t have her learn the truth from his fishing expedition.

“That’s enough.” I bark out a warning to Don Marco that doesn’t go unnoticed. Callie’s eyes shoot up at me, sending me a warning of her own.

“I mean no disrespect, sweetheart. I just assumed he would have thought you’d be a better choice for the company he loved.”


In the nick of time, the wait staff appears, preparing to serve dinner. “Let’s sit.”

I redirect Callie but she snaps back at Don Marco’s backhanded comment, “I don’t need it or want it.”

Fuck. She just handed him everything he needs to piece together my intent.
