Page 7 of Taste of Sin

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Now, I stand in front of the full-length mirror in my own smaller hotel room studying myself in the simple white cotton sundress with delicate blue flowers I bought from a boutique shop this afternoon. My nerves are shredded and I’m second guessing my decision to go through with this. It’s crazy. Yet deep down I can’t say no. I can’t shake the nagging feeling my father is in over his head and while he says it’s for my own good, it’s for his. I’d do anything for my father if he were in trouble, but he would never admit to it. His pride won’t let him, so I must read between the lines.

I take one last look at myself and decide I don’t need to touch up my makeup, the flush on my cheeks is blush enough. Dominic Delgado is not what I was expecting. Everything about him is flawless. The way he wears his suit like a second skin, molded to the hard muscles in his arms and across his chest had my heart rate spiking the second my eyes landed on him in the elevator. Not a single stitch out of place, even his thick black hair was tousled in a precise way. My heart thudded in my chest with each passing floor. I couldn’t escape quick enough. His mere presence sucked the air out of the tiny glass cage. By the way he looked at me, I knew at once he didn’t know who I was, which was even more intimidating. I wasn’t prepared to come face to face with him yet. As soon as the door slid open, I jolted out of there as fast as I could. I needed to pull myself together and get my head on straight before seeing him again.

It only took a few swigs of the champagne that had been delivered to my room to set myself right, but it took several more before I worked up the courage to go to his suite and agree to give my life to him. A man that exudes danger from every pore. I’m not sure how many more drinks it’ll take before my feet willingly carry me to the chapel in the hotel lobby.

I pour another glass and let the smooth fizz fill my mouth and wash down my dry throat. I can still feel his hard body pressed against my backside and the powerful intonation of his voice as he whispered in my ear, “I protect what’s mine.”

I have never wished to belong to someone before as much as I did in that moment. I have officially lost my mind. I’m about to marry a stranger and while my mind is terrified my body is aching.

A knock on the door draws me away from looking any deeper at the mess I’ve agreed to. “It’s time, Callie.”

My father seems so small to me now, which saddens me. What kind of trouble is he really in that this is the only way he can find to get out of it? Whatever it is, it must be bad to give his only daughter away like this.

I swallow the last sip in my glass and slip a laced half wrap over the bruises on my arm and onto my shoulders. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

My father and I walk in silence. Each step forged with a wavering confidence that I don’t really feel inside. Each step draws me closer to a man that makes my heart race with both fear and curiosity.

This is not how I pictured my life turning out. Married at the age of twenty-one. I have dreams I want to achieve, and I’ve worked my ass off to find something stable in my life. Something I’m good at and brings me joy. Am I expected to throw that all away? I’ve barely had time to live yet and soon my life will no longer be my own. The thought brings a tear to my eye, but the look in my father’s eyes crush me even more. I hate that he’s keeping something from me, but he needs me to be strong now even if I have no idea what I’m in for. If my brief encounters with Dominic Delgado so far are anyindication, I’m in way over my head.

The doors of the small chapel swing open and my father takes my hand in his, “I know you're scared, but this is for the best. Dominic is a powerful man. He can protect you and if you play your cards right, he will give you everything I never could.”

His lips braise the knuckles on my left hand, where soon a ring will bind me to the man waiting at the other end of the aisle. I fight back the rolling in my gut that pleads with me to run. One glance over my shoulder is all it takes to know my decision is final. Two men stand behind us, blocking the only path out of the chapel. I couldn’t run, even if I wanted to. I wouldn’t make it more than ten steps before they would stop me. Their posture and the guns visible at their sides, tells me that’s their only job. And if I did make it past them, what would happen to my father? The pleading in his eyes weakens my urge to fight the contradictions pulling at me.

My words fail me, when all I want to do is reassure my father that I’ll be alright but deep down inside I can’t be sure I will. This man holds our lives in his hands and if I’m not careful he might just shatter my heart and destroy me to my core, which would be far worse pain than Xander could inflict. Instead, I keep it buried inside and nod my head.

Someone shoves a bouquet in my hand and ushers us forward. As my father and I walk the final steps up the aisle, I laugh to myself at the fitting bouquet I’m carrying. White roses tightly bound around two red ones. Blood surrounded by purity. My young life traded for protection from death. Even the pews are decorated, in streams of white ribbon and red roses. It’s as if I’d been planning this union for months, like every bride dreams of doing. Only I haven’t. When we reach the front of the chapel my father brushes my hair behind my ears and sits alone on an empty pew, where he should be surrounded by family and friends to celebrate the occasion. Reminding me again, that this is all for show.

Dominic extends his hand and I take it. There’s a warmth that shoots through me when his fingers wrap around mine. My knees nearly buckle as I step up onto the altar. “Any last questions? Once we do this, there’s no turning back.”

There are a million questions I should ask and even more I should understand but once again his touch distracts me from what I should be thinking about and all I can ask is, “Who did all this?”

A smile tugs at the corners of Dominic’s lips, brightening the darkness in his eyes, “I told you; Iprovide forwhat’s mine. Our union may not be traditional, but you deserve flowers not just drying ink.”

I’m slightly caught off guard by his response. Memories I forgot, come flooding back. Memories of a man who showed me kindness after my mother died. I didn’t know who he was back then or how my life would turn out. All I knew was I was weighed down by grief and constantly reminded my father’s was insurmountable to my own. Dominic was the only adult that didn’t tell me I’d have to grow up fast, that I’d have to hold things together if I wanted what was left of my family to make it through. His eyes were tender and his hand firm on my shoulder, comforting me as I cried by her grave. “I’ll take care of it.” was all he said. I didn’t know then what he meant, and I suppose I still don’t. All I do know is that maybe there’s a side to him that won’t eat me alive. “Thank you.”

The rest of the ceremony goes by in blur. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest that it’s thudding practically drowns out all other sounds. My throat is so dry that I’m sure I’m barely audible croaking out an “I do.”

Dominic slides a diamond studded band on my finger, the weight of the stone heavy on my hand. I study it for a moment, the way it sparkles under the soft light, the way it fits my finger as if it's destined to be there. For a rush marriage, Dominic spared no expense in the ring he’s chosen as a symbol of my debt to him.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”


My heart skips a beat, I didn’t have time to prepare myself for the realization of what I’ve just done let alone contemplate the part that comes next. “You’ll share my bed, have my children and secure my legacy.”

Ready or not, I’ve just promised myself to this man. I’m lost in my head when his warm breath fans over my lips. I’m not prepared for the way he kisses me, the show of force as he pushes his tongue deeper into my mouth. The way the air escapes my lungs as I sigh unexpectedly into it. I’m certainly not prepared for the sound of gunshots, instead of wedding bells ringing out around me.

One minute I’m pledging my life to Dominic Delgado for protection and the next warm blood splatters across the bodice of my dress. My hands shoot up instinctively to cover my face as strong arms circle my waist and pull me to the floor.

“Stay still.” Dominic whispers in my ear, rolling over me to cover my trembling body with his own. He lays over me, firm and motionless as more gunshots ring out through the chapel. My head is pounding but this time it’s not from the sound of my heartbeat, it’s shock. Dominic pulls a gun from under his suit jacket and slides off me. “Don’t move.”

I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I’m paralyzed by fear. The pungent odor of blood fills my nose and makes me gag. Tears stream down my eyes but I don’t wipe them away. I don’t roll over to keep from vomiting. I lay perfectly still as I’m told. I squeeze my eyes shut and will myself to steady my breathing. When I open them, Dominic is gone. Slowly I turn my head to the side and jerk it back around when I spot the priest laying in a pool of blood, his lifeless eyes glazed over. I’ve never been a religious person, but I say a silent prayer that he really was a man of faith, and his soul will find peace. He didn’t ask for any of this, unlike me who only moments ago pledged myself into this world. Little did I know this was a way of life for these men. A fact that’s instantly clear by how they responded. Pulling weapons, firing back and guarding Dominic and me as if it were second nature to them.

It only takes a few moments before the gunshots cease and someone scoops me up in their arms. It’s an unfamiliar touch, strong but not warm and firm like Dominic’s was. Panic sets in and I stiffen my body, making it harder for him to carry me. I kick my legs and swat at his arms. I won’t be taken without a fight.

“Settle down, Mrs. Delgado. I’m taking you to safety.”

The name rings hollow in my ears. I don’t know any of these men. I don’t know who to trust. “How do I know that's true?”
