Page 2 of Caught By Daddy

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“Yes, but not that smart because my school’s expensive. Tuition these days is up the wazoo, and my family, while comfortable, isn’t really able to help me. That’s why I’m here.”

I stare at her.

“So you’re working as a hostess to earn money for school?”

Ramona nods and bites her lip, looking down again.


I wave my hand and pshaw.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of! Hell, girl, that’s really amazing and totally legit. I’m glad you’re putting your earnings to good use.”

Ramona’s smile is a little trembly, but then she shakes her head.

“Yeah, but the problem is that my family and friends back in Chicago actually think I’m here for an internship. They think I’m working at a really prestigious architectural firm for the summer, but the fact is that I’m actually using this summer to moonlight as a sex worker to make as much money as possible.”

I stare at her.

“Holy shit. Really? No one knows what you’re really out here for?”

She bites her lip and shakes her head.

“No, because I’d be embarrassed and ashamed. My family would be shocked too. More than shocked. I think my parents would have a heart attack if they found out what I was really up to.”

I raise my eyebrows. “But is there someone who could help with tuition? Maybe a loan, even if there’s crazy interest?”

Ramona shakes her head, her brown curls falling over her shoulders with the move. “No, I wish. Honestly, I didn’t even ask because there’s no one in my social circle that has the money, so there was no point. So here I am,” she says with a small smile. “Secret sex party hostess extraordinaire.”

“Wow,” I say respectfully. “It must be so hard leading a double life, girl. But what do you say when your parents ask you about work?” I ask as my friend sits up straight, stretching a bit.

She shrugs. “I’m just really vague, like ‘oh I learned about all kinds of new roofing techniques today,’ which I know is silly, but they seem to buy it. I mean, it’s not like they know anything about architecture, so they wouldn’t even know where to start questioning my lie.”

I nod.

“Wow,” is my murmur, humbled by Ramona’s situation and feeling a tad guilty for how fortunate I’ve been when it comes to money. “Well, it could be worse,” I say slowly. “At least all of the guys at Club Z are rich and handsome. Not to mention they have more money than they know what to do with. It’s practically leaking out of their ears sometimes.”

Ramona giggles a little, sitting down on my bed. “Yeah, or spurting out of their crotches. But life is what it is, right? Besides, I’ll be honest and admit that although I thought this was going to be a terrible experience, it’s actually been amazing. I guess I’m a ho because I adore working at Club Z. It’s kind of nice turning off the lights upstairs, and just being a sex toy for rich men sometimes,” she admits with a blush.

“Oh girl, trust me, I know,” I gush. “I love it too and I’m just doing it for kicks. You know I don’t need the money, right?” I ask.

Ramona nods.

“I kind of guessed when you invited me to this townhouse the first time. I mean it’s huge. Do you live here alone?” she whispers with awe.

I shake my head.

“No need to whisper because it’s only me and Sam here, and he’s never at home. So it’s basically just me rattling around this giant house by myself, kind of like the heroine from that bookRebecca. Or was itFlowers in the Attic? I always get so confused.”

Ramona looks puzzled. “Yes, but who’s Sam? I’ve never heard you mention him before.”

I sigh and roll my eyes. “He’s my stepdad, I guess. If you can even call him that.”

Ramona looks even more confused.

“What’s a sort-of stepdad?”

I sigh and launch into a quick explanation.
