Page 19 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“The boys call me Dolly, but my real name is Dorthea.” Her dark blue eyes scanned Isa. “But don’t you dare call me that.” She walked over and tapped one of the frames. “My old man loved this MC. Hell, it’s where he met my mom.” She straightened her leather jacket over her white tank top. A hint of tattoos covered her chest, the green and blue tempting Isa to ask their origins. “Once MC, always MC.”

“You’re a member?”

Dolly chortled. “Fuck no. I work behind the scenes.” She plopped onto the couch and propped her booted feet on the back. “I take care of the nymphs.”

“You’re a….” She couldn’t finish the thought. Suddenly her sheltered life in Ireland seemed a whole lot better than this one.

“Madam? Yeah.” Dolly swept her black hair into a high ponytail, a raven tattoo behind her ear coming into view. “Why? You interested in joining? The girls are very happy with Macha.” She looked over Isa approvingly. “I guarantee those boys would want you.”

Isa self-consciously crossed her arms over her breasts. “I’m not, um, interested. I’m actually here because—”

Dolly snapped her fingers and sat up. “You’re Phantom’s girl, aren’t you?” She whistled low when Isa nodded. “Sorry. I’ve been gone the last few days. My aunt needed somebody to help her with some shitheads on the block.”

“And you did that?”

Dolly smiled, a pair of dimples popping into view. “Honey, just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself and the people I love.” She hopped to her feet. “It’s a must in my line of work. I can teach you a few things if you’d like.”

“Thanks, I would.” Even though their lives were completely opposite, Isa liked this woman. She was gutsy and not afraid to flaunt it.

“Great, come on.”

“Wait, right this minute?” She barely got the words out before Dolly grabbed her hand and hauled her down the hallway. For a woman five inches shorter than her, Dolly could move.

“Better than later.”

They reached the doors to the parking lot behind the bar. Remnants of last night’s party that had trickled outside sent Isa’s stomach lurching. The fog seemed to have thickened in the last hour, clouds tickling her exposed skin.

Dolly shed her leather jacket, revealing tattoos covering her arms and most of her chest beneath the tank. “Come at me.” She motioned at her.

“I can’t fight you.”

“Somebody chicken?” Dolly taunted. “Come on, girl. Show me what your Irish daddy taught you.”

“He didn’t teach me a bloody thing.” Gritting her teeth, Isa moved for Dolly, fists ready. She swung a punch, but it was easily blocked. Jabbing fast, she caught the side of Dolly’s shoulder, but her victory was short lived. In one swift move, the shorter woman kicked Isa’s ankles and slammed her to the asphalt.

Isa groaned in pain once she caught her breath. “Shite!”

Straddling her, Dolly kept her hands pinned to the ground. “You’re feisty. That’ll work well in Macha, but you need to hone your anger. Don’t let it control you.”

“What’re you talking about?” She struggled to move but found it pointless. Dolly was stronger than she looked.

“The boys talk, Isa. I know why you’re here. Hell, my girls are trained to get info from them.” Dolly released her wrists. “You can’t blame your dad for this. He can’t control the Twelve Brothers. No one can. They’re the scum MC of Ireland.”

“I can and I will.” She shoved at Dolly, the act meaningless when she all but lay on top of Isa.

“You’ve already lost your mom. Don’t throw away a relationship with your dad too.” Dolly’s eyes clouded. “You’ll miss them once they’re gone. Believe me.”

Isa stopped fighting. “Your parents?”

“Yeah. Motorcycle accident two years ago.” Her eyes shadowed. “They were Macha until they died. I’ll be the same.” Dolly pounced to her feet and pulled Isa with her. “And so will you. After a bit of training.” She grinned. “There’s a reason why a woman is the club’s patron. Men are lost without us.”

“Youwouldsay that,” a new voice called from the bar entrance.

The women glanced over and saw Brewer with a shit-eating grin on his face. His button-up shirt fluttered open in the breeze, hints of tattoos beneath. “You spewing bullshit again, sis?”

Dolly flipped him the bird. “And so what if I am? What’re you gonna do about it, big brother?”

Brewer ran his fingers through his red hair, the color a bright contrast to the fog around them.
