Page 55 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Shovelhead stroked his beard. “Perhaps, but she could be of use to our club if Phantom got in line.”

Doc’s gut churned at the VP’s words. From looking around at his brothers, they were torn between wanting to agree and wanting to have a throwdown.

Reaper stood and paced. “Enough. We’re rescuing Isa.” He stared at Shovelhead. “End of story. Now, I sent two men to Denver. They’ve informed me that a private airstrip was used last night. The plane came from Belfast.”

This time the murmur in the room was a concerned one. The last firefight the club had was with the Greenback Cutthroats, and they were due for a bit of a scuffle. Since then, the need to protect their claim in Colorado was limited.

“What’s the plan?” Doc asked, sitting up a little straighter.

Rubble nodded to him. “We have men lining the highways and back roads. Once the Twelve Brothers members go through the pass, we’ll put the club on complete lockdown.”

“Aren’t we already there?” Hawk asked.

Reaper shook his head. “No. We didn’t think it’d come to this, but it has.” He stopped pacing and rested his hands on the back of his chair. “The Twelve are out for blood. I don’t want to see one damn drop, but we must protect our own.” He met Doc’s gaze. “No matter what.”

A chorus of “Hell yes” echoed in the room.

For the next thirty minutes, the club members went over the intricate details of a complete lockdown. Each man had his role and was prepared to utilize Macha’s might to ensure their survival.

By the end, Doc’s adrenaline was pumping steadily through his blood. He was ready to take Isa to their secondary safe house should the need arise. Rubble assured him it wouldn’t come to that, but the expression on their president’s face told him differently.

The crew left church solemn yet prepared. His only concern was Isa. He needed to bring her up to speed on the danger.

He bounded up the steps to her room but found it empty. Panic initially flooded his system, but he tamped it down. She was safe within these walls. He just didn’t know where the hell she was.

When he found her, he’d lay down new rules. She wasn’t to leave his side until this was over.



“How’s Colorado life?”Orla asked from her perch on the store counter.

Isa rolled to her stomach, the summer breeze pushing her hair out of her face. Sunbathing hadn’t seemed like a good idea until she stepped outside. The sun was close enough to warm her skin, but plenty of cloud coverage and sunscreen kept her from burning.

“It’s far from boring.”

“Ooh, do tell!”

For a moment, she wasn’t sure how much to tell her best friend. She’d been there for every step of Niall and Orla’s romance, but this felt different. Private somehow. But she couldn’t not tell Orla either.

“You remember me telling you about Doc?” Orla nodded, her eyes eager for more. Isa glanced around, and once she saw no one else was around, she continued. “We slept together.”

“Like, ‘there was lots of snoring’ slept together?”

“More like there was barely any sleeping going on at all.”

Orla’s mouth dropped open, and she teetered from her spot on the edge of the counter. Thankfully, Niall arrived in time to keep her from toppling entirely. “Holy shite!”

She took a sip of water. “That’s what I’ve been saying ever since.”

Niall whistled and was promptly smacked on the arm by his wife. “What? I can’t help but hear. The two of you aren’t quiet, love.”

“Out of here before the futon becomes your new wife,” Orla said sternly.

Isa watched Niall throw up his hands in defeat, the door closing in the background.

“Oh my God, Isa, you had sex!” Orla squealed like a schoolgirl with a crush. “How was it? Was he gentle? Did you ride him? Was it awkward? Did you, ahem, topple that peak?”
