Page 56 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“Jesus, Orla!” She stared off at the mountains in the distance as her friend kept peppering her with questions. “He made me feel so many things. I always thought sex would be amazing, but, wow, Doc made it mind-blowing.”

“Aw, darling, I’m happy for you.” Tears filled Orla’s brown eyes. “When did this all happen?”

“Last night. Well, and this morning, I suppose.”

“Then where is this sex god? He should be spoiling you rotten.”

Rolling to her back again, Isa caught sight of a club member on the upper deck. That didn’t bother her. The automatic rifle slung across his shoulders did.

Her stomach soured.WhereisDoc?

“He had club business.”

Her friend’s face scrunched disapprovingly. “That’s rubbish. Go find him and lock him in a room.”

“I will later. At present, I’m basking in the afterglow of sex.” She dramatically lifted the back of her hand to her forehead, making Orla laugh on the other end.

“You’re in for a world of fun. Be sure to rest. Don’t want you waddling about afterward.”

“I’m going to sketch a bit while I’m outside. It’s gorgeous here.” She glanced around and noticed two cameras on the garage roof. She hadn’t noticed them before. If she were a betting woman, there were more around the compound too. It eased her worry for the time being. After all, she wasn’t aware of dire danger. Doc would tell her if there was any.

“Good for you. Maybe you’ll have some new ideas to add to the shop when you get back.”

She chewed on the straw in her glass of water. “Yeah, hopefully.”

“Right, well, I better get back to it. Somebody has to maintain the business while you’re off sexing it up.” Orla blew her a kiss. “Be safe, love.”


Isa put the phone away and picked up her sketchpad. Normally her designs were based on Ireland. It was where her inspiration came from back home.But I’m not there, am I?

She tapped the pencil against the blank sheet of paper. Images of Doc filled her mind. The suave way he made love.Well, at least I think it’s suave. I’ve no one to compare it to.She laughed at herself. Being with the Macha doctor opened her eyes to what love could be.

Whoa, girl, you’re getting ahead of yourself.

Putting the pad down, she stood and walked over to the pool’s edge. The water was clear and inviting under the warm sun. Dipping her toe in, she was pleasantly surprised at the warmth. Doc’s mention of it being a hot spring came to mind.Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

She stepped off the side and closed her eyes, the water enveloping her. Slowly, she sank to the bottom and opened her eyes. The entire pool was pristine. After a few moments, she swam to the surface and lay on her back. Puffs of white clouds rolled by, their destinations unknown.

The sun peeked out behind the clouds every so often, and she closed her eyes against its rays. It was so quiet in the mountains. No rushing cars, beeping horns, or yelling neighbors like at the clubhouse.

This is more my style.


Hearing her name through the water, she sat up and glanced in the direction of the voice. Doc stood at the edge of the pool, thumbs hooked in the belt loops of his jeans. The tattoos on his arms and hands stood out against the black T-shirt but only enhanced his handsomeness. His long blond hair was parted to the right, some of the strands covering his dark-tinted sunglasses.

“Want to join me?” She swam closer and rested her elbows on the side.

He crouched and pulled his shades down his nose enough to fully review the red bikini top, then return to her face. “Tempting. Very tempting.” His index finger slid beneath the strap. “Where’d you get this?”

“Queenie found it. Had the tags on and fit perfect.” She lifted her arm to compare their tones. “And with my light skin, I could use some rays.”

“You really should be inside.” He leaned back on his heels and replaced his sunglasses. “You’re safer there.”

She rolled her eyes and swam backward away from him. “You’re no fun.”

“That’s not what you said last night.”
