Page 60 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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He let that one slide off his back. The next one, though, he couldn’t.

“More like how her virgin pussy feels. I’ll bet it’s good too. All tight and innocent. I know I’d like to taste some of it.”

Silence fell in the room. Each man looked to the instigator, and Hawk swore under his breath. Talking shit was one thing, but that comment went over the line. They all understood who Isa was to the MC and to Doc. She was off-limits.

With a calm face, Doc stood and finished his beer. He tossed the empty bottle to Hawk, then locked eyes with Klink. The shit-eating grin was no longer on his face. Panic and regret were scribbled across it now.

In one quick movement, he pulled Klink off the couch and pounded his fist into the other man’s face, blood spraying when it connected with his nose. Klink fought back, jabbing Doc’s side and stunning him enough to crawl out from under him. Doc grabbed Klink’s leg and punched the man’s kidney. Klink cried out in pain, but the sound was drowned out by the brothers watching on. Bets were called by Snoopy, who suddenly appeared alongside Boulder.

Focusing on the fight, Doc fielded a left kick but missed the punch. He reeled back in pain and wiped blood from his mouth. The fucker had another thing coming if he thought he could talk shit about his woman and not get stomped.

Klink crawled over and put him in a headlock. Using his minimal wrestling skills, Doc managed to escape the hold and pin the other man once more. He threw three more punches before the big man kneed him in the gut. He folded over but wouldn’t relent.

Doc jumped to his feet, Klink following with blood dripping from his broken nose.Serves him right.He punched Klink in the ribs, and the other man’s swing connected with his face. Blood sprayed from Doc’s mouth, and he wiped it on his shirt. They circled each other, their brothers surrounding them in a tight ring. More brothers gathered, and the decibel level increased.

Klink threw a left that smashed into Doc’s stomach. He gritted his teeth and fought through the pain. He couldn’t let this asshole beat him. Doc threw one last punch, sending Klink off-kilter. The older man staggered and dropped hard, lights out. The cheers and yells from his brothers suddenly stopped.

“What the bloody hell is going on?” Reaper roared, his Irish accent thicker with his rage.

Doc stumbled backward, and Hawk caught him before he tripped over the coffee table. Blood and sweat mingled together and raced down Doc’s face. He met the prez’s fierce gaze, chest heaving from the recent altercation.

“Klink disrespected my—” He paused when he noticed Isa come into the room, eyes wide and mouth gaping by the sight. “A woman. He disrespected a woman under my protection and needed to be set straight.”

Reaper glowered at him, the bushy white eyebrows furrowed together. “Is this true?” he boomed.

“Aye,” the brothers said in unison.

Only after Reaper eyed each one of them did he nod once. “Get yourselves cleaned up. We have work to do.” He stomped out of the room, Isa at his heels. Doc couldn’t see her face and swore softly. Acting like a Neanderthal never felt worse.

A sigh reverberated through his entire being. His muscles screamed at him, but not as much as the recent wounds.

“Come on. I’ll help ya,” Hawk offered, looping Doc’s arm around his shoulders. “Pretty sure your lady didn’t appreciate all the blood,” he teased.

Doc tried to smirk, but the act threatened to open his bloodied lip. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up and get me patched up.”

Boulder checked on Klink—who was still out—and then he and Rubble took the man back to his room.

Snoopy patted him on the back. “You did good, Doc. Hell, if Rubble wasn’t our longstanding champion, I’d wager on you.”

He cracked a smile this time and winced.Worth it.

“Grab some ice,” Hawk called. One of the prospects hurried to do his bidding.

They made it to the stairs before Hawk paused. Facing him, he asked, “She worth all this?”

“And more,” Doc replied without thinking twice.



Doc didn’t cometo bed that night. After his fight with Klink, his brothers set him up in his room. Isa didn’t bother to check on him right away, waiting until after Hawk and Snoopy cleared out and Doc was asleep to sneak into the room. It wasn’t as big as hers, the décor purely masculine. The mocha-colored paneling and drawn curtains gave the room a dark vibe.

She ran her fingers along the wooden railing at the foot of the king-sized bed. Doc’s steady breathing along with the slight rise and fall of his chest and subtle snore told her he was sleeping.

When she’d walked into the living room earlier to Doc battered and bloodied, she didn’t know what to think. After she saw Klink on the floor, her temper flared.Men and their idiotic fights.Doc’s explanation didn’t help matters either, but Queenie’s translation did.

“Klink said some shit about your, um, virginity, and Doc, well, he defended your honor,” Queenie said hours earlier. “Macha doesn’t condone such behavior, especially when you’re under our protection. How Doc feels about you may also have something to do with it.”
