Page 81 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“I was terrified I’d never see you again.” She laced her fingers behind his neck, burying her face in his shirt.

“You’re safe, baby.” He looked up in time to see the coroner’s van drive away, bodies safely stowed for the drive to the morgue. He’d gladly spit on their graves, but he wouldn’t grace the deceased with his presence. They didn’t deserve anything but a shallow grave after terrorizing Isa and his club.

“Brother, you need to get to the hospital,” Kevlar said gruffly behind him. “You’re bleeding on the concrete.”

Doc looked down and saw a red trickle all the way to the ground. He hugged Isa once more, doing his best to push down the desire to overwhelm her lips when he felt the slight tremble in her touch. “Hawk can take you back—”

“No.” She gripped a handful of his shirt. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

He nodded and swallowed the grin he so badly wanted to give her. There’d be time for that later. Plus, the blood oozing from his side made any other thoughts impossible. His mind was fuzzy the longer he stayed upright.

Kevlar came up beside him and looped his arm over his shoulder, allowing Doc to use him as a crutch. He was never more grateful to be part of this band of brothers. They had each other’s backs no matter what happened. He hadn’t been sure of the recently returned biker, but the Army sniper held his own during the firefight. He owed him.

“You better make her your old lady,” Kevlar mumbled under his breath. “Or I’ll make her mine.”

He eyed the other man and noticed the shit-eating grin on Kevlar’s face. “I like you and all, but fuck off.”

They both chuckled, and Doc instantly regretted the joking when his side warmed with blood. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed Isa close behind. They needed to figure out some shit, but he’d do exactly as Kevlar suggested.

Isa isn’t going anywhere but home with me.



Sleep eluded her.Sitting next to Doc lying in the clean hospital bed, her body refused to succumb to rest. If they’d come directly to hospital, he wouldn’t have had to stay overnight. She rolled her eyes. Her man was one stubborn son of a bitch.

Isa rubbed her lips together, smothering her smile. Her man.My man. He wasn’t like any of the boys of her past, and there wouldn’t be another man like him. Not for her.

Sitting back in the uncomfortable chair, she watched his chest rise and then fall consistently. His wound would heal—that much the doctor said after they brought Doc back from surgery. She was more worried about what came next. The danger was gone.Then why does it still feel like it’s here?Viper’s warning before the police officers dragged him off rang in her mind.Surely he was merely spewing words.

She stood and paced in front of the bed. The heart monitor beeped comfortingly. The room was private, a special service from the hospital since Doc volunteered at their free clinics. Hawk was stationed outside the room, Cueball in the parking lot.

I should feel safe.Isa chewed her bottom lip.But I don’t. Why?

But she knew why. Macha had found the flight manifest from the Twelve Brothers. One man was unaccounted for between the morgue and police station.

Her phone rang a familiar video chat chime. Answering it quickly, she sighed at the sight of Niall and Orla. “Oh God, you’re okay. If I could hug you through the phone, I would. What happened? Who saved you?”

Niall held up his hand. Both looked weary beyond belief. If Reaper hadn’t told her they were safe, she’d have gone completely mad.

“We’re fine. A bit of a bump on the head for me, but Orla wasn’t hurt.” Niall tenderly patted the knot on his skull. “Some sleep, meds, and I’ll be right as rain.”

“Your da came for us,” Orla said.

Isa focused on her best friend for the last twenty years. Her hair was darker, most likely damp from a recent shower. “I’m so sorry. I never thought in a million years someone would try to hurt you because of me.” She let out a breath to keep from crying. “Once I’m back in Ireland, I’ll sort it all out with the club and Phantom.”

Orla chuckled and rested her head on Niall’s chest. “Love, he’s your dad. You can call him that, you know.”

“No. He put you in danger. He doesn’t deserve to be called anything but his club name.”

“Maybe, but not because he wanted to.” Orla yawned, and Isa cursed herself. It was long past bedtime in Ireland. “Denying your relationship isn’t good for you. Face it head-on. You might be surprised what you find.”

“We’re not talking about Phantom anymore, are we?”

“No, but it applies to both.”

Niall took over the frame. “We’ll sign off for tonight.” She opened her mouth to reply, and he added, “We’re safe at home, Isa. See you soon.”
