Page 14 of Whisky and Sunshine

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“Reedman, Williams and Dennis understand our product better than any of the other applicants.” I looked down at the distillery’s financial statements in front of me.

Robert snorted and leaned back in his chair. “Prettier staff, too?”

“Aw, cut it out, ye pair of bawbags.” I shook my head. “I informed them they were successful days before the tasting. I didn’t even know Amanda was with the firm when I met her, so I don’t go accusing me of having my hand on my dick when I decided –”

A cough at the door had both James and Robert standing abruptly. I glanced around and there she was: Amanda.

She looked me up and down coolly. I stood, tugging at my tie knot.

“Amanda, welcome.”

She ignored my offered hand and brushed past me to take a seat. James and Robert eyed her warily.

“Would ye like coffee?” I managed, running my fingers through my hair. I was constantly ragged on by my rugby teammates for my nervous habit. I always pulled on my hair before taking a kick to convert a try. Right now, I’d rather be on the rugby field playing against England, all cameras on me, about to kick for a tie-breaker conversion than face Amanda after our kiss this morning.

“Yes. Thank you,” she replied coolly, as she began taking folders, pens and her laptop out of her bag. “White with one.”

I leapt into action, making her coffee. She must have heard what they said before she entered the room. Fuck, I needed to fix this.

I cleared my throat.

“I sincerely apologise for what ye may have heard when ye came into the boardroom. What I was about to say to my brothers was the decision to bring Reedman, Dennis and Williams in as our auditor was approved by our Board Chairman. I put forward the recommendation, but this certainly isn’t indicative of how we do business. I’m afraid ye caught us in a rare moment of… of…”

“Being unprepared?” A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth. She was enjoying making me sweat. “Cowboy decision-making?”

“Now, steady on,” Robert clipped. “We were just teasing our big brother,”

“At the expense of respect for others?”

Robert’s mouth fell open, but Amanda continued. “Mr McAlister - Robert - you just accused your brother of making cavalier decisions without your knowledge or James’s knowledge. Does Gallanach have an executive team who is struggling to make important strategic decisions?”

Robert flashed me a glare before turning back to Amanda. “No, we don’t.”

“What he said.” James grunted.

“And, for the record again, I had no idea Amanda was with the firm.” I avoided looking directly at her. My brothers didn’t know about our kiss this morning and I planned to keep it that way. “We are all professional here. I promise ye, Amanda, will be treated with respect and integrity. What ye heard was unfortunate, and wrong. On behalf of my brothers, I sincerely apologise and hope ye can forgive us. Especially me. Again.”

My brothers stared open-mouthed.

“Holy fuck,” James mumbled. “The Beast said sorry to someone.”

“Twice.” Robert’s eyebrows were both raised.

I looked away from them and found her eyes were softer now. “Apology accepted,” Amanda whispered.

My chest swelled. I rubbed at my sternum, suddenly flustered.

I glared at my brothers, tilting my head towards Amanda. “And now it’s your turn.”

They both offered sincere apologies, which Amanda accepted.

“I am here to do my job, gentlemen,” She picked up a document in front of her. “I share this in the spirit of being your partner in this audit, rather than a combatant. This audit may reveal problems that need to be addressed. Worst case scenario, these problems could end the legacy of your family’s work. But it will also highlight your strengths. Audits make many companies nervous and uncomfortable with scrutiny. But it can be an opportunity to grow this business and make a difference in the lives of those who work for you.”

I let her words sink in. A chance to change would be a great thing for our business.

“We have survived almost three hundred years,” Robert declared, fire in his eyes. “This business is not folding under our watch.”

“And I promise each of you I will do everything I can to ensure that doesn’t happen. Shall we dial in my managing partner for the video call?”
