Page 27 of Whisky and Sunshine

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Amanda jumped away.

My cheeks flamed red, horrified as I tossed the mug onto the bench with a thud.

She looked about her wildly, not meeting my eyes. “I should…I’ll just…go.”

Amanda skittered away, slamming the door after her, leaving me with a soaking wet crotch.

I pinched my nose and sighed. Why had I touched her hair? Told her she was sunshine? I was just as bad as the stock jocks coming onto her at George’s.

I was just like Gaston.

Chapter Six


I signed my twentieth form in thirty minutes. Holiday leave requests, sick leave, petty cash reimbursements, and more. My father always wanted final approval, in order to check if anyone was trying to pull one over the company. In the two years I’d been CEO, the only thing I’d seen were typos.

Except my cousin, but he didn’t use forms to steal from us.

Paperwork and meetings had kept me busy and my door closed all day. I’d successfully avoided Amanda, lest I end up saying or doing something that I’d regret. Again.

I reached for another form when my door swung open.

“Stueeeeeee!” James waved jazz hands, then leaned against the doorframe with a grin.

“Shit, don’t ye knock?”

“It’s 7:30 p.m. and you’re in the office.”

“I’m catching up on work.”

James strode to my desk and closed the folder in front of me. “Been hiding from a certain auditor all day?”

I put down my pen and waited.

“Joking aside, ye need to nip this infatuation with Amanda in the bud.”

“Who says I am infatuated?”

“Anyone with eyes,” James scoffed. “Ye need food too, big brother. CEOs can’t survive on paperwork alone. I’ve got the perfect solution for both of your problems.”

“What’s that then?” I got up and pulled on my suit jacket, stomach rumbling at the mention of food.

“First, I’m shouting ye dinner,” he said, slapping me on the back, “Then you’re getting laid.”

I tripped over my feet and James roared with laughter. I had an ominous feeling he wasn’t kidding.

* * *

The pub was busier than the night before and my head was still fuggy from too many drinks with Ewan. The crowd, the noise and the warmth closed in around me, as James headed towards the bar, his attention on his phone, as usual, leaving me at the coat rack by the door.

Adrenalin pulsed through my body. I took a deep breath to steady myself. Never liked big groups. I reluctantly excused myself, as I lumbered my way through the customers to catch my brother.

A blonde woman turned in front of me with a tray of drinks.

“Stuart!” Caroline looked me up and down, as if she couldn’t quite believe I was here. “You’re out! At the pub!”

“Aye, I’m here with James.” I scanned the bar but my brother was nowhere to be seen. “Though it appears I’ve been abandoned.”
