Page 30 of Whisky and Sunshine

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“I’ve seen ye before,” Chelsea pointed a hot chip at me. “Ye look familiar.”

“Chels, Amanda’s only been here a couple of days,” James glanced at Stuart. “And this is her first outing outside of the offices.”

I felt Stuart’s body become taut again, his leg becoming rigid.

“The railway station!” Chelsea suddenly declared. “Ye were snogging a fella!”

She looked at Stuart and then back to me, eyes growing wide.

Fuck, we’d been spotted!

“No, no!” I tried to laugh but sounded like a witch cackling. I hiccupped and tried again. “I’m afraid you’ve -”

James shot up from his seat. “Chels! Need to talk to ye urgently. Over at the bar, babe.”

“But I only just got my chips!”

“We’ll take them, too.” James picked up the basket. “Come on, babe. Please.”

Chelsea shrugged and followed James to the bar.

“Have I told ye about the holiday I’ve just booked?” Caroline piped up. “You’re goin’ to be well jealous, ladies!”

Helena and Grace listened enraptured with Caroline’s description of a cruise she intended to take, while Liz was focussed on texting someone.

I heaved a sigh. That had been close.

“She did see us,” Stuart whispered. “At the train station. James told me.”

“Oh, God.” I let my head fall into my hands, then jerked up again. “James knows too?”

Stuart nodded, looking abashed.

“Well, fuck,” I murmured.

He chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Never heard ye swear before.”

“I do. On occasion.”

“So I’ve just heard.”

One side of his mouth turned up in an almost-smile. He was relaxed again now. Sitting this close, I noticed he had gold flecks in his dark brown eyes.

The last time I’d been this close to him we had touched and kissed. He swallowed and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down. I had a sudden urge to lick it.

I’ve never considered a man’s throat as sexy. But the idea of running my tongue all over Stuart’s neck caused a sweet ache between my legs.

“I need to…” I breathed, “Go. To the bathroom.”

Stuart stood up for me to pass. I scurried into the toilets and splashed water on my face to cool down.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I hadn’t changed from my work clothes. I looked corporate and boring, even with my sunflower scarf.

Maybe if I undid the top button of my blouse?
