Page 35 of Whisky and Sunshine

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I started for the ladies’ toilets when James appeared, ruined jacket over one arm, and Chelsea beside him.

“Ugh, I smell like a bar floor.”

I recognised a face at the bar and chuckled.

“What’s got ye so amused all of a sudden?”

I tipped my chin towards Liz who had locked lips with another woman, oblivious to the drama.

“So much for your plan of feeding me and… other things tonight.” I sniggered. “At least someone is getting lucky.”

“Chels, ye never said Liz was gay.” James snorted.

“I thought ye said to find a woman to meet a female friend of yours,” Chelsea sighed, hands in the air. “My dress is ruined. Someone stepped on my big toe. I swear it’s broken. I want to go home.”

But James wasn’t paying attention to Chelsea. Neither was I, to be honest. Our attention was on Amanda and Caroline, who’d both emerged from the ladies’ bathroom.

“I’ll just check on Caro.” James said, moving towards them.

Chelsea pouted.

“She’s a colleague, babe. I want to make sure she’s okay.” James pulled a twenty-pound note from his wallet. “Here’s money for a cab. Text me when you’re home, yeah?”

James ran off. Chelsea gripped the twenty-pound note and stared after him with a look that could have fired lasers into the back of his head. She huffed, catching my eye.

“Your brother is a player,” she said matter-of-factly.

“He’s definitely something.” I was about to apologise for him abandoning her, but Chelsea spoke first.

“Hope ye have better luck than me tonight.” She looked over my shoulder and I followed her gaze to where Amanda helped Caroline into her coat while James spoke softly in her ear.

“It was ye and her kissing at the train station on Tuesday, wasn’t it?” Chelsea asked.

I could’ve denied the kiss, but that ship had long sailed. I nodded, blushing for some crazy reason.

Chelsea considered me for a second, then fanned herself with the bank note.

“Wish your brother kissed me like ye kissed her. It was fucking hot.” She slipped the money into her clutch. “Good luck, Stu.”

She sashayed out the door, broken toe forgotten. All I could think of as she left was Chelsea was right: it was a fucking hot kiss.

James and Caroline walked over, with Amanda behind them.

“I’m going to get Caroline home safe. Make sure Stephen doesn’t do anything dumb,” my gallant brother announced.

Caroline sniffed. “I’m sorry about tonight, Stuart -”

“Not necessary.” I waved a hand, dismissing her apology. “Stephen’s a fucking idiot and was completely out of line tonight. I hope you’re okay?”

She nodded again.

“Aye, I’ll be fine.” They both said goodbye, leaving me alone with Amanda.

“I guess I’ll follow them out and head back to the flat,” Amanda said.

“I’ll walk ye back,” I said quickly. “Ye can’t be out by yourself, if Stephen’s wandering around.”

Amanda smiled. “Okay.”
