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Teasing her again, he slipped his feet past her gown. Helen opened her mouth, but the words were stuck in her throat. She stared at his sturdy frame and thin lips that curled into a wicked smile.

She wanted to know what he was getting from seeing her suffer. Helen wanted him, just like back in the garden. His foot slid even higher, and she suppressed a moan. It was getting tougher to sit there and feel his body rub against hers. The invocation turned her insides to butter, melting under every touch. Helen knew that she was enthralled, dancing to his tune, but she could not resist him.

Who could resist those dark eyes…

She shuddered, delight and pleasure streaming through her body and leaving desire in its wake. Helen wanted to run her hands through his hair, to feel his lips on hers again, to let his tongue into her mouth, to taste the champagne and sugar.

“Your Grace,” Aunt Gertrude’s haughty voice ruined everything once again. “Perhaps you might be available tomorrow for a promenade at the park?

Helen spoke even before he could. “I am sure that the Duke is busy with keeping an eye over things at Clyvedon and the Wallington Estate.”

Theodore shook his head. “I am here, right? I will be available tomorrow. Any chance to show the mamas that I am off limits would be nice.”

Helen watched her father grin. It was by far the largest smile she had seen in a long time. And it made her smile too. Seeing her father happy filled her with an unfathomable joy, even though he still showed signs of illness.

“Excellent!” Lord Erbury commented. “The weather will be promising, no doubt.”

Theodore rubbed his feet against Helen’s skin once again and watched her open her mouth in a soundless gasp. Then he pulled away, slipping his feet into his boots with ease.

Helen felt his feet no more and was instantly surrounded by cold. She wished to yell at him for leading her on, for pulling her into a spiral of desire and pleasure only to pull back when she wanted him the most.

I wish I could just take her here on the table. Some privacy will be nice. Bloody hell, why am I thinking like this?

They continued their meal in silence, each of them in deep thought about how to sate their growing lust and hunger for one another.


Theodore stood in his chambers, staring out of the window. He was short of breath, having run from the front yard to his chambers. Through the intersecting hallways, he ran, not stopping to admire the beautiful landscape picture beside the stairwell.

Merely a month ago, he was sure that he was destined to die as a sad, senile man hidden inside the walls of the Wallington estate. Now, everything seemed more vivid than usual, the colors brightening so much that it hurt. No longer did he feel the jejune routine of reading the accounts and appending his signature so much that his wrist and fingers went tired for hours.

“What is happening to me?” he asked himself out loud, bathing in the shafts of slanted sunlight that filtered through the windows.

Something was happening to him, and it felt strange. It had him so worked up that his desires were barely able to be tamed. It took an enormous amount of control for him to stop himself from ruining her reputation again.


Helen Jarvis. The woman that effortlessly worked him into a tight spot despite his experience around women. He enjoyed talking to her, being in her company. But more than that, he enjoyed how she made him feel. Her wits were second to none, and every endeavor to stop himself from kissing her was almost fruitless.

Theodore was sure that he never wanted to marry. He meant every word. Never did he want children to go through what happened to him as a child. Now, there was a cloud over his future that he was refusing to see. A future filled with something he had denounced as a budding young man.

It was intoxicating, made him feel whole again. Theodore stretched his long limbs and paced around the room, suddenly feeling trapped in his clothes.

“Ugh!” he groaned, slouching against the wall.

He pulled off his coat and discarded it on the ground in the hopes that the air would not be so stifling. Theodore was tired of playing that game, but he could not force Helen to do what she did not want. Her reputation was healing slowly, and he could not jeopardize that. Then, there was the worrisome aunt that followed Helen wherever she went.

He slipped under the covers, closing his eyes and conjuring her figure in his mind. Baby blue eyes that almost glowed when she smiled, a slim petite body that he longed to touch and caress. Theodore imagined her beside him, her warm skin grazing his, and her hair spilling across the pillows.

Slowly, his hand slipped down. Past the brown hair that covered his torso, straight between his legs. A moan escaped his lips as he settled into his mind, working himself toward the prize. His thoughts went wild like a raging bull, pulse skittering in his veins.

Theodore imagined her eyes wide as he touched her all over, hands raking through her thick tresses. It made him gasp with pleasure, and it was much more than he ever felt with any mistress.

Theodore worked feverishly, a gasp escaping his lips. Followed by a soft growl, he allowed himself more pleasure than he had ever felt. He chuckled, feeling himself edging closer toward his climax. His mind soared back to their very first kiss, the very taste of her in his mouth. Lemons and sugar — a titillating flavor that he could never get enough of.

He wanted to cling to her, to uncover everything under the cherry-red dress. His hands worked in tandem with his mind, and he could feel himself hit his climax. Pleasure tore a streak through him as he crossed the threshold, moaning softly. It was a raw feeling that consumed him whole.

His heartbeat slowed as the satiety filled his veins. Theodore smiled at the filigreed ceiling, his senses overloaded. He turned under the sheets, letting himself rest on the wings of sleep.
