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“In this sunny weather? A promenade will only make us both wilt.”

“Mrs. Lester, the new housekeeper, has set up everything for the promenade. Lemonade for your thirst and even a canopy in the event that you want a respite from the sun. Or should I ask her to cancel?”

He frowned playfully. “We have a visitor, Grandmother. It would be bad manners to turn them away at this time.”

“Then, ask your valet to get you ready as soon as possible. We have no time to waste.”

* * *

Helen was excited that Aunt Gertrude was not available today. When the invitation arrived from the Dowager Duchess, there was an attached note that she should do everything to make sure that her aunt stayed back at home.

Knowing that her aunt would not do that, Helen locked her aunt inside the room. It was cynical, but she had to. Mostly because she wanted to relieve Theodore’s grandmother of a seemingly painful discussion and also because she wanted a modicum of freedom.

As they walked hand-in-hand through the park, all that was on Helen’s mind was the ravishing moment from the week before. She was eager to experience more, and she sent him daring notes through Sonya. Helen wanted to return the gesture, to imagine him moaning and grunting as she read her secret notes in the book. It made her even more fired up, and she had been unable to keep her hands off herself all week.

“Do not ask me how the weather is, Theodore,” Helen said softly as they went over the bridge, “or I might toss you into the pond to swim with the ducks.”

Theodore laughed loudly, scaring away the ducks as they swam frantically to the other side of the pond. “Now, that is the most unladylike thing to say, Lady Helen.”

“Back to formalities, Your Grace?”

“I was merely pulling your legs,” he replied softly, his tone turning sensual. “I like the way my name rolls off your tongue.”

Helen stared at him defiantly, at the darkness brewing in his eyes, spilling into the deep blue she was used to. “Are you trying to seduce me again, Your Grace?”

“Seduce you? I must say that I was rather surprised by the events of the previous week as my capacious memory serves. Tell me, Helen, where did you learn to kiss like that?”

She smiled coquettishly now, playing with the strand of her that framed her face. “Surprised indeed! I assumed that a rake knew all manner of delicious passions in how to make a woman wild. Maybe you are not a rake after all, seeing as you were taken aback.”

“It is your opinion versus the rest of theton. Against that many people, you will be drowned in my rakishness, or whatever thetoncalls it these days. And of course, I made you wild.”

Laughing, Helen felt the eyes of the women on her. She felt proud of herself, having snatched the Duke of Wallington from under their noses. Not that he had any intention of marrying, but Helen enjoyed every moment they spent together. She hoped for more of the ravishing kisses, the seduction, and addictions that came with his woody scent.

“Miss Cressida Westminster is glaring at you,” Theodore said bluntly. “And she is doing so for all to see. I must imagine that she is enraged about our courtship.”

“But she is the diamond of the first water with every marquess and earl in line for her hand. Why does she care?”

“Because you have what she wants, Helen. Even if it just a charade, they see it as the real thing, and it bothers them.”

“Now, you are just being sleazy and conceited. Are the women all attractive to your massive ego? Or perhaps the handsome face is all you have going on,” she snorted derisively.

He feigned hurt, placing a palm over his heart. “Helen, your words hurt even more today. May I ask the reason for this venom? Or perhaps, you are just furious that I ended what we started.”

“Your boasts know no bounds, Theodore. I really should toss you into the pond. Maybe a bath will bring your thoughts back together.”

They laughed boisterously together, walking towards the quaint apple tree. The duo sat on a bench, talking like old friends. It brought joy to Helen’s heart to see that Theodore was much more comfortable with her.

“I am neither furious nor unhappy, Theodore,” she said, slightly covering his hands with hers and letting her gloved fingers dance all over his skin. “I meant to ask you...”

“Tell me what it is you want, Helen. The sun seems to be delivering so much of its fiery heat, that I am wilting.”

“D-Did it make y-you... t-tou-touch yourself?”

Theodore watched her struggle with the words, stumbling and stuttering. He wanted to answer with a preconceived lie because he had an idea that Helen might ask. After the heated moment they had, it was only right that he told her the truth.

“Yes,” he replied softly, completely covering her hands with his. He felt the wanton desire shoot up his body, but he kept it down. “The notes were so suggestive that I could not resist. It is your fault that you did not properly give the words a hidden meaning. They were so plain that even a child could understand.”

He held her left hand up to fix the button on her sleeve. “If your aunt stumbled on it, we would be back at Wallington, married to one another by now.”
