Page 26 of Until Tucker

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“Yeah, well, she grew up with them and was friends with them for most of her life.”

“That doesn’t mean shit.” I stand up, not wanting to hear any more about a curse.

“I’m just saying. Keep an eye on her.”

“I messaged Hawkeye already. He’s going to try to take some time off. He said Ghost can’t come, he’s busy with his new family.” Hawkeye was in our unit for a bit before he got hurt and had to get out. His name is Carter, but we called him Hawkeye. His best friend, Ghost, is another former teammate of ours. They both live somewhere in the United Kingdom. They can’t tell anyone exactly where because of security. They work for a company called Securities International.

“He’ll be good. She won’t recognize him.”

“My thoughts too. He won’t be able to be here for a couple months, but he said he’d have their tech team put eyes on her.”

“Any of the guys here can help you. Just ask. I’m sure they would return the favor because you’ve helped them. I’d offer but she would recognize me. Besides, I want to stay close to July just in case there is blowback.”

“I get it. I need to go pick up my girl. She’s going to be using the truck for a bit until we can get her a new car. Hers is totaled.”

I take off after stopping and talking to a couple of the guys about keeping an eye on Sydney for me.



Imake my way across the sand in the dark, keeping my headlamp pointed at the ground to make sure I don’t step on any critters or trip on a root or plant. We heard gunshots earlier and our worst fears were realized. A rhino was slaughtered and his horn taken from him. I’d just taken pictures of him earlier in the day. I had a night vision game cam set up near where he was killed. I pat my cargo pocket hopeful that I can find the evidence for the Akashinga to use to stop them. The Akashinga troops protect the animals around here. They are warriors and I’ve worked with them in the past.

My tent looms over me and I unzip the flap, then I make my way into the dark interior. I don’t remove my boots or clothes. I’m too exhausted. I fall on to the cot after I kick it to make sure nothing creepy-crawly is in the sleeping bag. I’m just about asleep, the exhaustion overwhelming me, when a noise in the distance breaks through the night sounds across the savannah. The animals all stop. The chirping of the bugs ceases. The monkeys in a tree nearby quiet. Even the lions in the distance that just moments ago were chuffing and growling are silent. Only a thwapping sound can be heard. A sound I’ve heard before. My eyes fly open as it gets nearer. It can’t be. Not after dark. Only a few pilots would risk flying at night. I look across the tent and wish I was in the open to see if I’m right. To see if a light is flashing, breaking the darkness. The chopper is getting closer now, moving fast through the night air. I sit up and am about to swing my legs from the cot when another sound breaks the night, the thud of bullets hitting the ground. I hear screaming and cries of pain. I’m frozen in place, afraid to move. Afraid of what this could mean. Afraid of what I’ll see if I step outside my tent. Why are they attacking us? Searing hot pain in my ankle has me rolling as my tent falls around me. I throw my body as far as I can from where the bullets are landing. Warm liquid oozes from my right boot. I roll to my stomach and Army crawl across the floor of the tent. I hear more voices yelling and speaking in Shona. I hear my teammates begging for their lives before they are silenced. Executed.

When I get to what was the back of my tent, I pull the knife from my hip and cut it open so I can crawl out. I look around and see Brigade men moving through the camp. I know the sounds will have attracted the Akashinga troops, so I continue to crawl. Gravel and dirt cut through my sleeves as I try to get away. I’m lifted from the ground by my hair. I scream as I’m swung around. His eyes look back at me. The evil grin on his face tells me I shouldn’t have made him mad. But he betrayed me, so I made him sorry. I ended us in a brilliant and public way.

“You shouldn’t have ended us, Sydney,” Bahati yells in Shona in my face.

I lift the knife in my hand and swing at him, but he grabs it and sticks it into my side. I scream in pain as he throws me back to the ground. I cry out as my body hits and slides across the hard earth. It’s then I realize I still have on my sidearm. If there’s one thing I learned in all my training, it’s never give up. As long as I have breath in my body, I will fight. I move my hand to my side where the knife is still stuck in me and pull it out and drop it to the ground.

“Bahati, no, please don’t kill me. I thought you cared for me. Think about what we had,” I beg as he aims his gun at me. I want to tell him about the news I realized just yesterday, but I worry that will make him want to kill me more if he knows I’m pregnant. Now that I know he was married the whole time we were together, I know he doesn’t care for me. I pull the gun from my holster and hold it to my front. His focus is on my face and not my hands. I don’t want to kill him, but I will if he doesn’t give me a choice.

“We were nothing, ever. You were a means to an end.”

I cry out as his gun goes off. My body slumps to the ground and for a moment I think I’m dead, but then I realize my right arm is barely working now. I look at it and see that he shot me in my shoulder. My gun is now laying against my left hand.

“Where is it?” he shouts. “Give it to me and I’ll make it painless.” He cocks the rifle again.

I fire my gun as I scream.

I come awake screaming. Tucker holds me close saying soft words in my ears. The memories roll through my mind. I cry for the man I killed, because no amount of training prepares you to take another human’s life. I cry for the people who died—the innocent photographers, filmmakers, and biologists. For the situation I was put in. I cling to Tucker as he holds me. He asks all the time about what happened to me, but I can’t tell him. I know he suspects a lot, but I never confirm his fears. My own fear is too great. I’m sure as a soldier and honorable man he won’t understand why I killed. That I killed instead of injuring. That I was charged with murder.

In the two months since the incident with my car, I’ve struggled still to tell my counselor exactly what happened to me. I talk about the betrayal of finding out Bahati was married and cheating on his wife with me. I don’t tell her what I had to do. Or the further betrayal of learning he was a high-ranking Brigade member who only dated me and sought me out because of my position with the conservation filming crew.

I drift off back to sleep ignoring the questions, pretending I don’t hear them. I can’t lie to Tucker, so I avoid the truth. I’m not ready to lose him.

* * *

“Spitfire, how soon until you’re ready?” Tucker’s voice comes from the bedroom. “Fuck, baby, what the hell are you doing?” he says when he enters the bathroom.

I’m bent over the tub scrunching my hair to bring out the natural wave. I’ve been wearing it wavier than taking the time to straighten it lately. The summer heat and humidity wreak havoc on my straightening. I’m in a towel with a microfiber towel in my hands as I do what they call a micro plop on my hair. Today the Broken Eagles are doing a ride together, and I’m excited to spend the day with not only my man but July too. I’ve been so busy with work and counseling that we haven’t spent time together. It’s already August, and Mari’s birthday is a week and a half away. We are planning a huge party for her, but today is just about us.

Tucker moves in behind me and drops to his knees. He flips the edge of the towel up, exposing me. He already had me this morning and again in the shower, but as usual, we can’t keep our hands off each other. His big hands wrap around my thighs and pull me back. I drop the towel and grip the edge of the tub as his tongue works through my folds zeroing in on my clit.

“Tucker,” I moan as he slips two fingers in me.

“I’ve got to have you again, baby.” He stands, leaving me hanging on the cusp. I turn my head to watch him unbuckle his belt and drop his jeans. His long, thick cock is already hard and pointed at me. “Hold on, this is going to be fast.” He warns as he pushes inside me in one long thrust.

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