Page 69 of Acceptance

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Purple dress, purse bouncing behind her, she comes barreling into me, not giving a damn about the scary-looking man. Probably because her father is right behind her—looking pissed.

“Is there a problem here?” He’s speaking to me, but his gaze is on Edgar, hard and stern.

“No problem, man. Just talking to my girl.”

“Looks like she’s done talking,” Ryder says.

My arms wrap tightly around Amelia. To her, it’s a hug. To me, it’s an attempt to shield her from the awful man only inches away from us.

“You her keeper?”

Ryder extends his hand to me, helping Amelia and me to our feet.

“I’m her boss and a man who will end you if you come near her again. Understood?”

“Yeah, okay, boss.” Edgar’s evil laugh fills the air. “This isn’t over, sexy mama.”

“What’s a sexy mama?” Amelia asks as Ryder and I watch Edgar walk away.

“Nothing, sweetie.”

“Are you okay?” Ryder asks.

“Fine, thanks to you.” He gives a nonchalant shrug. “You two, go enjoy the rest of your day.”

“I’m not leaving you here. He could come back,” Ryder says.

“I don’t want you to go,” Amelia pipes in. “Can’t Ember come to lunch with us?”

“That sounds like an amazing idea,” Ryder says.

Releasing Amelia, I grab Ryder’s arm and tug him to the side.

“This is supposed to be your day with her. I don’t want to intrude. I can get home on my own. I’ll be fine.”

His hand cups my cheek. “I know you will be. That doesn’t change the fact I want you to spend the day with us.”


“So does Amelia, and it’s her birthday. You wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would you?”

“Using your daughter to get what you want?” I point a finger in his direction. “That’s not playing fair.”

“All’s fair in war.” Ryder chuckles as he slings his arm over my shoulder.

“And you want to go to war with me?”

“I want to do a lot of things with you, Ember.” He looks me up and down. “War is not one of them.”

“Come on, Ember.” Amelia takes hold of my hand and tugs me away from Ryder. “Let’s go.”

With Amelia between us, we walk to the small fifties-themed diner across the street.

“Isn’t this place cool?” Amelia asks as she runs to the counter to stare at the list of treats that will have to wait until after her dinner.

“I want that one,” she says, pointing at the large hot fudge sundae. “What about you, Ember?”

“Why don’t we eat first? Then we can look at the treats.”
