Page 85 of Acceptance

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“No worries. I’m going to stay in my room tonight.”

“What? Why?”

“I just need some space,” I tell him without turning to face him. The tears burn my eyes as I make my way into my room, the one I vacated weeks ago.

Everything is crashing in on me. My old life is in shambles and threatening to do the same to my new life. I fear I’ll never be able to escape Devlin. How do you outrun a monster like that? I lie in bed, praying for a solution, trying to figure a way out, until I finally succumb to the exhaustion.

When I wake up in the morning, Ryder’s asleep in a chair at the side of my bed, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love than I am now.

Gently, I touch his cheek, stirring him awake. “Morning.”

“Morning. I know you said you wanted to be alone, but—”

I press my lips to his. “I never want to be alone again.”

“You never will be.”



It’s been a week since Devlin appeared in town. A week since I left Ember’s side. Not wanting to take any chances with her safety, I worked from home. Work may not exactly be the right word. I patrolled the house. Kept guard. Ensured her safety.

From Edgar. From Devlin. From Norah. A trifecta of hell trying to tear us apart. I won’t let it, though. I won’t let anything do that, including the guilt that seems to be eating at her. Each day, I reassure her none of this is her fault. Each day, I tell her she’s worth it. Each day, I hold her in my arms and pray I’m doing right by her and protecting her.

Until today when out of the blue, Devlin calls Mark and requests a meeting—with me.

“I don’t have to go,” I tell Ember.

“Yes, you do. If you don’t, he might get suspicious.”

“Or he’ll think I have a lead. That I’m working…”

She shakes her head. “Trust me. I know him. He’ll get suspicious. He’ll act out. It’s better this way. Besides, the security on this place is top-notch.”

She’s not wrong about that. After the shit with Edgar happened, I upped the security, alarms on every window and door, motion detectors inside and out, and a new alarm system with a code only Ember and I know.

“It just doesn’t feel right leaving you. I have a bad feeling.”

“We’re both on edge. That’s all.”

I groan, knowing she’s probably right but not liking it any less.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’ll be waiting,” she replies, moving onto her toes and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

“You call that a kiss?” I tease. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her close. My lips cover hers, and my tongue pleads for entrance as I fist her hair. “Now that? That is a goodbye kiss.”

“That’s a take-me-to-the-bedroom kiss.”

Her smile, her laughter—seeing it puts me at ease. If nothing else, she feels safe. That’s what matters.

“I am more than happy to oblige.”

She pulls away and opens the door. “Go.”

I sneak in another kiss before walking through the door.
