Page 87 of Acceptance

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“I’m in a meeting.”

Devlin stares at me for a beat longer before standing down. With the file in his hand, he brushes past Norah and exits the office.

“He seems pleasant,” she says, making her way into my office.

Devlin’s left the building, and all the rage I had to contain to be cordial to him finally comes to a head. I grab the stupid potted plant Margie swore would make my office feel more ‘welcoming’ and throw it at the wall.

“Fuck,” I growl loudly as the pot shatters against the wall.


My growl turns to a groan when I remember that Norah’s there.

“What do you want?”

“To talk.” Her voice is flirtatious, filled with sexual innuendo.

“We have nothing to discuss.”

When I turn to face her, I see her flipping through the file on my desk—Ember’s file. I yank it from her before she can see anything. At least, I hope. Not that I give a damn what Norah thinks, but there’s already enough drama. None of us need anymore.

“I disagree. I want to spend time with Amelia.”

“Not happening.”

“So that little skank you’re dating can—”

“Keep Ember out of this. She’s been there for Amelia every damn day since she came into her life. Can you say the same?”

“I’m not the same person I was back then,” Norah argues.

“Then prove it. Stick around a while. We’ll see how things go.” As much as I would love to shelter Amelia, Norah is still her mother. On the off chance Norah has changed, I don’t want to be the reason Amelia had a chance to bond with her.

“My mother is dying.” Her voice turns soft, eyes well with tears. “I’m so scared, Ryder.”

“You’re unreal, you know that? Using your mother, who you haven’t spoken to in five years, for what? Sympathy? To get into my good graces?”

She dabs her eyes with a tissue, drying the tears I’m certain were fake.

“We were good together.”

“No, we weren't.”

After being with Ember, I know what good is. Looking back, what Norah and I had wasn’t good, far from it. I was blinded—by her beauty, the sex, I’m not sure—but whatever it was between us wasn’t what I have with Ember.

“Now I know you’re lying.”

“How many ways do I need to say this, Norah? You and I are over. If you want to be in Amelia’s life, I suggest you get your shit together. Until you do, you’re not coming anywhere near her.”

“Fine, Ryder. Have it your way.”

Norah turns on her heels and exits the office. That was easy. Too easy.

Having been out of the office there are a few things I want to catch up on before I head out. First things first, I need to check on Ember.

“Hello?” she answers the phone.

“Hey.” The sound of her voice brings a smile to my face. “I was just wondering if you were free tonight.”
