Page 89 of Acceptance

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There’s no response. I call out to her again louder—no response, just silence.

Worried Amelia may have gotten hurt, I quickly rinse and step out of the shower. With the towel wrapped tightly around me, I run into the bedroom. My eyes fall on a broad back, long dark hair, and a tattoo on the back of an arm that sends a shiver down my spine.


He turns to me and smiles. My stomach sinks when I see the sinister look in his eyes.

“Did you really think I would let you get away that easily?”

I had hoped. I had really fucking hoped.

My eyes scan the room for a path of escape. Devlin has the bedroom door blocked, and there’s no other way out. My only chance at safety is in the bathroom behind me. I take a step backward.

Trapped in the bedroom with Devlin, I wonder if he’s gotten to Amelia or if she’s still tucked safely away in her room.

“There’s nowhere to go,” he tells me.

“We could leave. We can go back to Nashville. That’s what you came here for, right?”

Devlin eyes me suspiciously, as he should. My offer comes out of left field, but if it means protecting Amelia, I’ll do it. But he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t know I have more reason than ever to succumb to him.

“What kind of game are you playing? Huh?” He slams his fist against the dresser. The glass on the attached mirror rattles and makes me jump.

My body wants to crumble to the ground, but I have to stay strong—for Amelia. I can’t let him get near her. I remind myself Ryder should be home soon. The text he sent said he was on his way. Any minute now, he’ll burst through that door, and everything will be okay.

“If you’re looking for your boyfriend, he’s… busy. That ex of his is a real fine piece of ass, real piece of work, too.”

I cringe when he laughs.

He’s messing with me, trying to get into my head like he used to. Ryder wouldn’t have texted, wouldn’t have said that he wanted to talk—alone—if he had any intention of getting back with Norah.

Focus, Ember, none of that is important right now.

Devlin steps closer, lines etched on his face, dark circles under his eyes. He looks exhausted. Deranged.

Before now, I never thought Devlin would have been capable of physical violence. Now, I’m not so sure. He looks capable of anything. The look in his eyes—there’s no telling what lengths he’ll go to.

“Do you have any idea what you did when you left? The money you cost me? The respect in the business I lost? It’s your fault that I lost everything.”

That’s when I realize he’s not here to find me and take me back.

He’s here to make me pay.

Devlin charges toward me, and I do my best to get back into the bathroom, but I’m not strong enough to shut the door.

“Leave me alone,” I shout over and over.

“Ember?” Ryder’s voice rings out through the house just as Devlin grabs me.

I can hear Ryder bang on the bedroom door as I struggle against Devlin. If I can just break free, I’ll be safe. One twist of the lock and I would be in Ryder’s arms.

The door flies open just as I slip out of Devlin’s hold, my feet hitting a wet puddle on the floor. I slip, falling to the ground, my head connecting with the marble counter on my way down.

The world goes silent as blackness settles over me.


