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He was mentally prepped to launch himself back into his run when Tori stopped him.

“Or you could join us for dinner.”

What the hell?

He shot her a look of dismay.

“Ryan and I were going to grab some food at a bar nearby after our walk. You’re welcome to join us.”

Ryan’s expression was a mix of surprise and irritation, but he gave a small nod.

“Yeah, join us if you want,” Ryan encouraged lamely. “No pressure.”

The temptation tonopeout and continue his run was strong, but when he snuck another glance at Tori, there was a tightness in her smile that made him hesitate.

That look, and how she’d pulled away from Ryan’s light touch, made James realize that maybe she didn’t really want to be spending alone time with his cousin.

She’s not your concern. She got herself into this situation, she can get her ass out of it.

The wordsno thankshovered on his tongue.

Tori must’ve sensed it, because the tension in her body grew more visible.

Ah, shit.

“You know, I’m actually getting hungry.” James forced a smile. “Thanks for the invite. I’d love to grab food at the bar with you guys.”

The relief in Tori was nearly invisible, but he caught it. Just like he caught the increase in irritability from his cousin.

He’d just consider it chaperoning the pair’s first date or something. While Tori had committed to spending time alone with Ryan, she clearly wasn’t sold on it after a walk around Green Lake.

Fifteen minutes later, they were settled in a booth at a local bar. Ryan was quick to order a round of tequila shots to celebrate James completing the bar.

“Salt your hand.”

God, how old were they? James winced, but went through the process of licking the back of his hand and shaking some salt on it.

“Here’s to taking the bar again, and hopefully, passing it this time.” Ryan made the small dig, while lifting his shot glass.

James couldn’t resist giving his cousin a one-finger salute before he clinked glasses with the other two.

They licked their salt off, threw the shots back, and then sucked on the lime.

The tequila quickly warmed his belly. With no food before the run, that alcohol was going to go straight to his head.

Not that he was a lightweight, but he could feel the stress of the last few days melt away. The tension in his body eased.

Tori set her shot glass back down on the table, seemingly unfazed by the alcohol, and reached for the menu.

“All right, what looks good here?” she murmured.

“Steak is decent.” Ryan’s phone buzzed, and he grabbed it and read the incoming message. “Shit. Just got some important info on this client I’m working with. I’m going to make a call. Someone order me a well-done rib eye? And the loaded baked potato. No bacon.”

He was gone before they could even nod.

“I did not take him for the well-done-steak type of guy.” Her nose wrinkled.

“Or the no-bacon type.” James jerked his chin to her empty shot glass. “You a fan of shots?”
