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“Oh my god, you look amazing.” She squealed and wiggled her hips in a little dance. “Can I get my pic with you?”

Her cosplay game wasn’t super-complex and looked more like something someone could pick up at the Halloween store, but she seemed to be having a great time.

“Sure can.”

These were his people. Fellow geeks uniting with no shame, only confidence, knowing everyone here shared the same passion.

This was him in his element.

She slid her arm around his waist and squeezed close while her friend—who was dressed as Poison Ivy—took their picture.

“Thanks.” The Harley Quinn cosplayer stepped away and tossed one of her blonde ponytails over her shoulder. “Hey, I saw your girlfriend go inside earlier.”

He cocked his head. “Sorry, what?”

“A girl dressed as a half dragon, half human like you. She was hot.”

Someone else had dressed up as a character fromAsh Masters?

“So hot,” her friend agreed. “You need to go get your picture with her.”

Hmm. He’d keep an eye out for her inside and check out her costume.

By the time he’d made it into the convention center, he already had a plan of action on where he wanted to go first.

There was a panel from a popular show speaking at eleven. Which gave him plenty of time to walk around and explore.

People were everywhere, some in costume and some just taking in the view. He couldn’t blame the observers. One of the best things about these conventions was the people-watching.

He made his way to the display room, stopping for pics when asked. When he was about to step inside, a flash of color caught his eye.

He turned and his breath caught.

There she was, tall in her thick-heeled boots. Her leggings, which looked like purple-and-green dragon scales, clung to her. Like him, her midriff was bare, showing her smooth belly and a pierced navel.

His gaze rose to the corset-like top she wore that matched the leggings. Her breasts were lifted and high, pale curves peeking over the boned fabric.

That hair.Wow.

It was glittery green, braided, and fell down her back in a way that made it look like the spine of ridges on the dragon.

Her face mask, just like his, was mesh and fabric, and completely obscured any of her features.

She was Nadia, queen of the dragon shifters. Magnificent and breathtaking.

And she’s mine.

The thought wasn’t just his primitive side kicking in, it was him respecting the storyline of the comics.

Nadia was Aidan’s palindromic mate.

And she undoubtedly was the same woman he’d seen cosplaying at the Seattle convention.

He swallowed hard, unable to tear his gaze away.

Why the hell couldn’t he remember her being this hot?

