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James made nomove to leave. His booted feet felt cemented to the floor.

The very idea of walking away from this Nadia cosplayer went against everything inside him and had his gut twisting.

Almost like they were actual mates.

Easy there, Romeo.

Still, he couldn’t deny the feeling. Did she feel the reluctance to part as well?

He searched her face, or tried to. The dark mesh covering her eyes gave no hint at their color or the expression in them.

“Mind if I join you at the panel?” Her words were high-pitched and rushed. “Unless you’re meeting friends?”

She wanted to stick around with him? Maybe she did feel this silent current running between them.

“I came alone, actually. I’d love for you to join me, but what about your friends? Aren’t you here with others?”

He’d seen her with a group of five or six. Surely, they’d be missing her. Though they didn’t seem to be lingering nearby, waiting.

“I’ll text them.”

She reached into her corset and pulled a phone out that must’ve been nestling against the curves of those gorgeous breasts.

Oh, to be that cell phone right now.

His blood quickened, and his breath caught. She was fairly tall, but he was still taller. And it gave him just the right view to stare down at those creamy swells rising above the sequined corset.

Stop looking at her tits.

Forcing his mind away from her chest was surprisingly difficult, because everything inside him demanded to know what they’d feel like in his hands.

“That’s a small phone you’ve got there.” The words felt strangled out of him, but at least he hadn’t said something about her chest.

“It’s the iPhone mini.” She laughed. “A deliberate choice for moments like these. Much easier to carry one of these than the massive boat-sized ones.”

She hit send and pushed the phone back inside her corset.


He nodded and nearly choked when she looped her arm through his.

“We may both be alphas of our tribe, but today, you need my help. You are a fearless leader. I will follow you into this battle.”

Her voice was everything he’d imagined Nadia’s would sound like as she quoted one of the more popularAsh Mastersissues.

Damn. She was the real deal and was familiar enough with the comic to quote from it.

“Or if not a battle,” he added, “maybe a panel at Comic Con for a Netflix show?”

Her laugh was pure joy. “Exactly.”

They made their way to the room the panel was in, stopping for pics now and then when someone asked.

When was the last time he’d had so much fun with a woman?

It’d been almost a year since his relationship with Hannah had ended, and they’d been having problems long before that.

Since then, the only woman who’d seemed to shift in and out of his life was Tori. And she was more of an adversary than a love interest.
