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Maybe she’d had a legitimate reason, or maybe she’d just changed her mind. Either way, it had been a downer.

He’d spent too many hours since that night searching social media for any signs of her.

Maybe she had an Instagram account? But even using the hashtag for her character hadn’t pulled up anything too detailed. She’d showed up in a couple of pictures from other attendees, but wasn’t tagged.

Whoever she was, she was a mystery and didn’t want to be found.

So, he’d forced himself to snap out of his broody mood and to look at it all from a different perspective.

Don’t be sad that it’s over... be happy that it happened.

Or however the cliché saying went.

They’d had one magical day together that had basically begun and ended within the Comic Con schedule.

Maybe it was better that way?

If he’d had her in his bed all night and made love to her, saying goodbye the next day would’ve been even harder.

He probably would’ve done something crazy and asked for her number. Because a long-distance relationship from Seattle to Idaho was completely practical.

“Not even a little bit,” he muttered.

He stared at the Funko figure on his desk and smiled. It was a reminder of her. Maybe that’s why he’d brought it to work.

A nice happy memory for when a day went bad.

“What has you looking so sappy?”

James tried to casually put the figurine into his desk drawer and close it. The last thing he needed was comic jokes from his cousin.

“I was just thinking about my weekend.”

“The Oregon Coast was that amazing?” Ryan arched a brow.

Confusion hit him, but then he remembered. Right, his cover story to hide where he’d really been.

“Oh yeah, it was awesome. There was lots of sand. And... waves.”

Ryan scowled and shook his head. “You never been to a beach before or something?”

“Just been a while. Anyway, how was your weekend?” James regretted asking the question the moment Ryan’s mouth curved into a satisfied smile.

“Well...” His cousin rubbed his chest and got a faraway look in his eyes. “It was good. Real good, if you know what I mean.”

Yeah, he had a pretty good idea what he meant. And the idea of Tori sleeping with his cousin had his stomach twisting bitterly.

So, she’d taken Ryan up on his offer then? Had dinner and—Dear god,he was not going to imagine the rest.

Tori walked by his office and both he and Ryan took notice.

“You know I really like her, right?” Ryan’s confession was quiet, almost pensive. “I know I make crude jokes now and then, and I’m not sure how much you heard at the game the other night—”

“I heard enough.”

James had zero interest in indulging his cousin in this discussion.

“All I’m saying is, my technique for going after a girl might sound a little rough, but sometimes they need a little incentive.”
