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After the thought ran through his head, it was quickly followed by a stab of denial from his conscience.

It’s not Tori, it’s you.

“But I’d still be with Hannah if Tori hadn’t come into my life,” he huffed aloud, drawing some looks from a college-aged couple out walking by the lake.

He grimaced and turned his attention back to his evening run.

Living by Green Lake was by far the biggest perk to the apartment he’d moved into. At first, he’d mourned the loss of leaving the rental house where he’d lived with friends for years. Friends who’d been in the same fraternity with him, who were now like brothers.

And now here he was. Alone. At first, the weight of the solitude had been crushing. But after a couple of months, living solo and having his own space was growing on him. And the proximity to the lake and the variety of restaurants nearby couldn’t be beat.

After the day he’d had, he definitely needed to take advantage of the path around the lake to clear his head with a run. Twice around the lake would give him six miles.

The only downside was that at this time of year, it was already dark when he got out of work.

Then again, he didn’t mind the darkness as much. It made it easier to think. To go back down that path of memories that he probably should try and forget.

Like that night last year when he’d hung out with Blake, his sister, and Tori at the coffee shop.

Or more so, it was what had happenedafterthat while he’d been in the car with Tori.

He ground his teeth together, willing the memory of that night not to come.

But it did. Rolling into his mind like this morning’s fog over the city...

James had held the car door for Tori that evening, letting her climb inside before going around to the driver’s door.

He barely knew this woman—his sister’s best friend—and already she was driving him crazy.

Don’t look at her ass and long legs in that dress. Do not. You’ve got a girlfriend.

Why had they agreed to drive together to the group gathering for coffee?

Oh, right, because she’d wanted to rip him a new one on the way over. Then again, he’d probably deserved it for having Blake follow Tori and his sister to the sleazy club to spy on them in the first place.

He ground his teeth together as he climbed behind the wheel. He just needed to drive Tori back to her car with less drama than they’d had on the way here.

Which was hard, because he was downright infuriated that the woman next to him was cheerfully helping Kristen on her mission to lose her virginity.

It was reckless. Unsafe. And just... not right.

Not that he could say any of that to Tori, or he’d be spilling the beans that he’d overheard them talking about Kristen’s mission earlier in the day.

“You should be glad your sister is trying to date.”

Even though Tori’s words were said without anger or accusation, he cringed.

Date?That wasn’t exactly Kristen’s plan.

“It’s where youtookher,” he grumbled. “You don’t find nice guys at a place like theRusty Nut.”

“Who said she’s looking for a nice guy?” Now there was a hint of goading in her words.

Don’t rise to the bait.

“Nice guys have their time and place,” she continued casually. “But they’re not for everyone.”

Surprise, surprise. Tori must like them bad.
