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“Hey.” Grace glanced over at Tori. “Why don’t you take a break and grab some ice cream too? It’s slowing down, anyway.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Go for it.”

James waited for Tori to scoop herself up some strawberry ice cream before they made their way to the toppings table.

“Hey, you.” Now that they were more alone, he dropped the formality, but kept his voice quiet. “You ready for the weekend?”

“Yeah, I am.” She exchanged another quick, knowing glance.

They’d made plans to escape to an inn on Whidbey Island, with a big old jet tub that they’d both fit in. A water view that should show off some fireworks. And a handful of delicious restaurants to check out.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Ryan chatting up one of the summer associates.

Despite his cousin’s disgusting comment that James should watch his back, Ryan hadn’t done anything to make good on that threat.

Instead, Ryan had kept his distance and done his best to ignore James. Which was a complete relief, truthfully.

“So, I’ve got news.” Tori scooped gummy bears onto her ice cream. “The house has officially been transferred to my name.”

“Already? That’s incredible.”

The house being the one her father had left her in his will. He’d clearly been a man who was financially comfortable. The mortgage had been paid off, the house itself was in good condition, and he had no debt to settle.

So, it didn’t surprise him that the process had been just about as painless as it could get.

It was at least one thing her absent father had gotten right.

James kept that opinion to himself, though. He knew what an emotional burden it had been on Tori. He didn’t need to dogpile his own thoughts on top.

“You still plan on selling it?”

“I have no use for a house in Spokane. Plus, it belonged to a father who clearly knew about me, but never sought me out. I don’t want that kind of energy tied to my life. So much better to sell it and be done.”

James nodded, agreeing with everything she’d just said, as he sprinkled some crushed cookies on his ice cream.

“What are you going to do with the money? Have you thought about it more?”

“I’m still not sure.” She bit her lip and added some coconut shavings, blueberries, and caramel sauce to her bowl.

“Are you still considering applying for law school?” He finished his ice cream off with nuts, toffee chips, and chocolate sauce.

When she’d casually mentioned that a month ago, he’d only been slightly surprised. The conversation with his sister, who’d mentioned it, had prepped him.

“Maybe. Though, I don’t know. While I love working with you lawyers, I’m not sure I actually want to be one now that I see just how unglamorous it is.” She gave a soft laugh. “I do like the idea of challenging myself, though.”

“Understood. You’re absolutely smart enough if you decide to. You know I’d back you one hundred percent.”

The look she gave him from beneath her lashes was a mix of gratefulness and affection.

“I know you would. Thank you, James.”

They walked over to the chest-high, walled ledge of the roof, so they could look out toward the waterfront.

While there were a few people also near the edge, they weren’t close enough to hear their quiet conversation.

James delved his spoon in for the first bite of ice cream.
