Page 56 of Ivy Magic

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He had a point. “And Master Amare is sure that they are attacking soon?” I glanced at my watch. It was only 9 am. After the nightly run, I needed sleep. Unfortunately, the adrenaline wouldn’t allow that to happen for a long time.

“Yes. He thinks it could be as early as tomorrow night, but he isn’t sure. Expect the agents in the morning. That will give them time to familiarize themselves with you and the surrounding area.”

“I understand. Thanks, Jackson.”

“You are welcome. Good luck and keep me informed.”

“Will do.” I clicked off and dropped my phone into my lap. One hundred fucking vampires. Even though the thought set me on edge. My blood thumped with excitement.

Chapter 23


She shut me out! Every time I tried to search out Ivy through our bond, I met nothing. A black void that filled my heart with aching dread.

Violet carefully approached after shifting back. She remained naked, holding her shoulders back, so her tits were front and center. At one time, I would have suckled those tits and fucked her in front of everyone. She liked that sort of thing. But not now. I didn’t even want to look at her.

“Thanks for defending me, Luca. And don’t deny it. I know you told her to leave me alone.” She said seductively while smiling.

What a colossal mistake I made. Thinking like a politician blurred the lines or I would have enjoyed Ivy’s jealous and dominant display. Her wolf knew that she belonged by my side, and I ruined it.

Facing Violet, I left no room for misunderstandings. “Do not mistake that as defending you. When Ivy thinks of our mating night, I do not want blood on her hands. So pack up your things and go home. Or next time, I will not interfere.”

Violet’s smile fell and she gave one quick nod and scurried away. But not before I noticed the cunning gleam in her eyes. I had no doubt that she would still be a problem.

Now to find Ivy.

Pain hit my ribs. It took a minute to realize that Ivy had opened the bond. So much anger hit me in the center of my chest.

Rage, what’s wrong with Ivy?I asked.

Nothing. We are training.

And she’s angry?

He snorted.Understatement.

Before I made it to the house, my phone rang. I fished out my cell and checked caller ID. Surprise and worry hit full force as I answered. “Councilman Locklear. What a surprise.”

“Alpha Blackthorn. Luca, I’m going to cut to the chase. Master Amare heard from a spy who is keeping an eye on Vlad. They are preparing to attack you and your pack within the next few days. At least that is his best guess. The informant says you have something they have been looking for but were unsure of the details. Do you have any idea what that might be?”

“I do not.” But I had to wonder if it had something to do with Ivy. The vampire at the club clearly targeted Kelly.

“Right then. Make sure you gather the surrounding packs and squash Vlad like the parasite he is. Kill everyone who dares to help him.”

A grin spread across my face. Councilman Locklear didn’t gain his position by being weak. “I will. Thanks for the heads-up.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more time to prepare. Keep me informed.”

After agreeing, I clicked off and mind-linked the guys, all but Rage, and told them to meet me in the conference room.

Walking up behind Rage and Ivy, I noted the various scratches and knew they had trained in wolf form. When I heard Rage say he would take her for himself if she was not my fated mate, I nearly ripped his head off. Jealousy was not an emotion I experienced very often, and I didn’t like it. And I did not miss the respect she had earned from him in such a short time, which was a feat. He did not trust easily or often and respected very few people.

Ivy had slammed up walls and refused to talk to me after I saidshe meant nothing to me. How cliché, I grumbled to myself.

She stormed off, and my wolf bristled, demanding I chase after her.This is why we needed to wait!I chastised him. I wanted to mate Ivy when I knew for sure she could handle it. In the span of a week and a half, life had dramatically changed for her, for the both of us. She did not need to add newly mated on top of everything else.

I wanted to go to Ivy, soothe her and her wolf and show her how special she was. My wolf needed to be near her…I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I was the fucking Regional Alpha and vampires were planning to attack my pack.
